I've updated my Southern California album to include more locations covered in my upcoming guide book: https://plus.google.com/photos/+JeffreySullivan/albums/5870295048430764817
A limited number of locations may need to be cut to keep the book from getting too long.
#landscapephotography #California #travel #guidebook
Threr are very nice picture.
Många fina bilder
Those are awesome…..really good eye
Very nice
Jeff great
Foto stupende, si vede che sono di un esperto
Suggestion: publish (perhaps a different "version") as an ebook, so you have no artificial limitations on how long it can be.
My publisher will convert the 350-400 page book to ebook format +Durval Menezes. It's unlikely that revenue from the book will cover my cost to research and produce it, so it doesn't make sense to make custom versions, especially ones which are longer and add to the writing time (opportunity cost) and the cost for the layout editor as well.
I may eventually publish in-depth regional guides as well, and the incremental revenue would help cover the additional travel and time required.
Thanks for the explanation +Jeff Sullivan. And kudos on the great pics!
bellissime foto
The colors are wonderful!! Beautiful! Thanks for sharing with the #LandscapePhotography theme!!
This is a well captured scene.
Wow! Looks good!
+Nacho Arias mirá estás locations para unas escapadas a USA
Great work +Jeff Sullivan
Love it
Great work
Great work.
One of them looks like the view out a friend's backyard.
super tes photos
Beautiful set of images +Jeff Sullivan