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Annual Perseid Meteor Shower Coming Aug 11-14

composite photo of the Perseid meteor shower

As I mentioned with my time-lapse video share yesterday, the earth passes through the comet debris that causes the Perseid meteor shower for a few weeks, but the activity peaks around the night of August 12-13. The meteor activity is high for a while on either side of the peak so it can be productive to look in the August 11-14 timeframe.

#astronomy #astrophotography #Perseid #meteorshower

Originally shared by +Jeff Sullivan

Perseid Meteor Shower Composite, 2013
I’m still working on my images from the Camelopardalid meteor shower last night. So in the meantime to kill some time while last night’s images process, I produced this composite image showing 40 meteors from 4 hours of the Perseid meteor shower early in the morning of August 12, 2013.

These meteors appear in my time-lapse video of the 2013 Perseid Meteor shower on YouTube:

Here’s the rest of my Astrophotography album on G+ so far:
#meteorshower #Perseid #astronomy #astrophotography


17 thoughts on “Annual Perseid Meteor Shower Coming Aug 11-14”

  1. +nickie amos Some are random, most are from the radiant point of the Perseid Meteor shower over the course of 6 hours. Since I used a camera on a tripod, not a star-tracking mount, the radiant point moved in the composition over the course of those hours.

  2. +Joshie Ylaya What paper does J.K. Rowling write on to create the Harry Potter series? What typewriter did Ernest Hemmingway use? Cameras are just tools, photographers take the pictures.

    Any full frame camera manufactured in the last 7 years or so can be used for images like this, and most crop sensor cameras from Canon or Nikon since 2011 or so have been capable of good results with dark sky / high ISO shooting (with more noise).

    I've used the Canon EOS 5D Mark III for shot like this for three years now, and I used the Canon EOS 5D Mark II for similar shots for four years before that.

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