Last Morning in Mount Rainier National Park

Reflecting, originally uploaded by Jeff Sullivan.

To successfully capture great images in a locaiton that you’ve never visited or haven’t visited in a while, a lot much of your success depends on being in the right place at the right time. With dawn color well underway by 5am and sunset running past 9pm, logistical efficiency such as staying in a convenient location plays a role as well. I’ve been to this park before and I have a good photography guide to the park, but the days I’ve spent this week will set me up very well to crank out good shots on my next return. Hopefully I’ll get some scenic weather!

This last dawn in Mount Rainier National Park offered the most intersting sky, at least for a few minutes.

The Paradise Ridge area still has about 10 feet of snow on the ground, but there were patches of flowers in places elsewhere.

Jeff Sullivan

Jeff Sullivan leads landscape photography workshops in national parks and public lands throughout California and the American West.

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