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Meteor Reflection!

When I was catching star trails around Polaris, the North Star, and playing with their reflections during the Orionid meteor shower last weekend, I also caught a meteor and its reflection.  This was taken at an ultra-wide 14mm focal length, and the reflection is at best about 1/8th as bright as the direct view of the meteor, so that's one very long, bright meteor to show up!

#nightphotography  +Mark Hammon +Night Photography Friday 
#AstroFriday +Dawn Peterson  +Nimesh Patel  +AstroFriday 

Orionid Meteor Reflection

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260 thoughts on “Meteor Reflection!”

  1. Shooting stars are those moments that do not last more than a whisper, but fill us with hope for an eternity. 😉
    Las estrellas fugaces son aquellos momentos que no duran más que un suspiro, pero nos llenan de ilusión durante una eternidad.

  2. You have that right +Doug Kaye, meteors are so brief, so ephemeral that they often don't show up on the sensor even in the direct view of them.  To have one show up in a reflection, on the moving surface of a body of water, is a rare treat!

  3. I was just telling a friend today how I saw 2 shooting stars last weekend … Didn't realize it was a meter shower … Damn, wish I had stayed out longer now .
    Awesome picture !!

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