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Undiscovered Photographers on Google+

We've all been new to Google+ within the past 18 months, and the circle sharing feature was often the way we've found others within the community with similar interests.  There are circles for virtually every imaginable interest, and you can create and share one if the one you want doesn't already exist.

For the photographer community on G+, +Charles Lupica has been actively investigating, forming and sharing carefully circles of active photographers. This latest one contains photographers who are relatively new to G+ with less than 5000 contacts, as Charles explains in his original post:

Validation process
•  I have personally checked all of the profiles in the circle.  This is a circle of people whose work I like. The choice of inclusion was solely my own decision. 
• Photographers that are inactive were not chosen
• Photographers with animated gifs were not chosen
• Only photographers sharing a nice selection of their own images were included
• Lots of external links = not included
• I'm in the circle. My circle, I get to be in it.

Reshared post from +Charles Lupica


 Hidden Treasure: 100 talented photographers to discover

     a select group of photographers with
        fewer than 5000 followers 

100 photographers plus myself.
#CWL5000 tag to mute reshares of this post   

This circle contains 100 photographers that have fewer than 5000 followers. I limited this circle to 100 photographers because the G+ community seems to favor smaller circles these days.

This circle was open for nominations but no one is included based on being nominated and no one has been required to reshare this circle or the announcement.  The choices here are my own based on my own likes and dislikes.

The photographers that I have added to this circle are all photographers that I would like to have in my stream.  The styles vary but the quality is there.  The work varies from above average to outstanding.

No strings attached
• I ask, but do not require, that everyone in this circle plus the post, comment on the post, and most importantly, share the circle.  My experience tells me that circles that don't require sharing are generally of a higher quality since there is no obligation to include anyone.  Please share. 

Validation process
•  I have personally checked all of the profiles in the circle.  This is a circle of people whose work I like. The choice of inclusion was solely my own decision. 
• Photographers that are inactive were not chosen
• Photographers with animated gifs were not chosen
• Only photographers sharing a nice selection of their own images were included
• Lots of external links = not included
• I'm in the circle. My circle, I get to be in it.

For anyone sharing this circle, I recommend that you add a few fresh images to your stream to keep your content balanced.

#circlesharing   #circleshare   #sharedcircles   #sharedpubliccircles 

Google+: Reshared 3 times
Google+: View post on Google+


5 thoughts on “Undiscovered Photographers on Google+”

  1. +Jeff Sullivan Thank you very much for sharing this Jeff.  I think this is one of the nicest circles I've ever put together. By limiting it to 100 people, I was forced to make harder choices. I'm also happy to say that a few wonderful Switzerland based photographer are in the circle. :-))

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