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Steam Locomotive in Goldfield, Nevada

Today the only gold you're likely to discover in Goldfield, Nevada are old artifacts like this locomotive.  The town itself appears to be roughly 1/4 to 1/3 abandoned, but it clearly was booming 100 years ago.  The old three story high school alone is massive.  We looked at old houses therefor sale: the price was marked on a handwritten sign as $4000, but that was crossed out.  It would be fascinating to pas through more slowly, meet some of the locals, and hear some of the stories they have to tell!

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42 thoughts on “Steam Locomotive in Goldfield, Nevada”

  1. The white tailings probably still have small flake gold. They are hauling those kind of tailings to a reprocessing center outside Oatman, Arizona to retrieve the gold missed. Nice photo.

  2. You're welcome +michael dela cruz, glad you like it.  It would probably take $600 in 2-3 cords of wood and a few hundred more in supplemental heating to get through the Winter, let's say about $1000, about 1/4 the value of the house!  Still an incredibly low total amount though for shelter, in a developed country.  I wonder how far away the nearest Costco is, to get food at a reasonable price (although then you'd need a second small house just to store it).

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