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Find Your Google+ Best Friends

Want to know the people most interactive with your last 50 posts?

Simply substitute your 21 digit Google+ ID (if you have a alphabetical ID, go to your uploaded photos to see the numerical equivalent) into this URL:

+Jari Huomo has developed this and other great tools for G+ users, so when you see the list of your friends (like the one below), you also get links to the "Timeline" and "Best Post" views Jari has developed for their streams.  

Here are two examples of Jari's tools sorting my stream… you can substitute your Google+ ID into these links as well:
2-Column Timeline View Sorted by G+ Activity
Best photo posts on G+:

Jari Huomo Yesterday 12:03 AM (edited)  –  Public
My Google+ Best Friends

I mean Google+ people who have been most active in plussing and commenting and sharing my last 50 posts.

New counting method giving highest value for comments , then +1´s and then shares.

Check your "Best Friends" by replacing GoogleID to this link: (will load a while, uses a lot of API calls so be fast ;))

Jari Huomo Best Friends

Google+: Reshared 16 times
Google+: View post on Google+


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