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I've created a Southern California Photography community on G+ to collect photo/location…

I've created a Southern California Photography community on G+ to collect photo/location nominations for my upcoming landscape photography guide book.  I'd like to include as many G+ photographers as possible, perhaps as many as 15 or more.  Making photos visible in the community will help make the selection process manageable between you, the publisher and I.

The final book will be available in print format at 320 to 400+ pages, and also distributed in ebook format, in the series including the volume recent released by Gary Crabbe for Northern California (link below).  There's a standard contributor agreement with the publisher; compensation is in the form of a quantity of copies of the book, which you can sign, sell or include with sales promotions of your work to show off your accomplishment to your most valued customers.

Here's the most recent book in the series, covering California – North by Gary Crabbe:

I'm looking forward to getting to know a lot of you who I may see in the field.  After the book is out of the way, perhaps we'll take on a few more moderators and have a thriving community where we can discuss our shared passion for photography and for the region.

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6 thoughts on “I've created a Southern California Photography community on G+ to collect photo/location…”

  1. The community was set to semi-private… I've invited a few people I know who shoot in the region, and others may request to join as well.  The community doesn't seem to be able to be found via a community name search.  It's note meant to be that exclusive (just not open to every spammer in Southern California).

  2. Thanks Garry; I've sent a request to join. As for the community showing up in search, it might take a couple of hours until it shows (at least in the past I've seen private communities in the search results as well).

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