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An incredibly important message for today's kids

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Jeff Sullivan

Jeff Sullivan leads landscape photography workshops in national parks and public lands throughout California and the American West.

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  • I have to admit that I felt old when Zuckerberg talked about how he looked things up on the internet when he learned to code.....

  • Amazing. As a coder moving soon to Silicon Valley I find this very inspiring thank you.

  • I love this! There is a STEM academy that my freshman son is in and I want his to see this.

  • My first programming class used punch cards for input and printers for output +Brian Bach Sørensen.  Then, probably just to torture us, my next class made us program a PDP-11 mainframe using 1s and 0s.  
    Fortunately I did a couple of internships, and my second one and then my first job out of college was working for the world's leading color display and printer manufacturer (Tektronix at that time).  In the 5-6 years I worked there I was able to learn digital imaging, before digital cameras became generally available (CCD sensors started out in high end scanners until their price came down).

  • "Quite simply, programming is not for everyone. It is not an absolutely fun and delightful task as it’s portrayed to be in videos like the aforementioned or movies like “The Social Network”. It is rarely an invigorating social activity. A lot of time, it’s sitting in front of a computer screen, looking at a colorful text document, and thinking, and thinking, and typing, getting angry, and wondering why the hell you’re living a life sitting down."

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