I've fine-tuned my workshop schedule to offer six sessions at the "ghost town" of Bodie State Historic Park this year, 5 at night and one for interior access:
August 9 – Friday before Friends of Bodie Day special event
August 24 – Eastern Sierra weekend workshop
Oct 12 night + Oct 13 dawn/interior – Back-to-back Bodie!
The Bodie night access we are given starts when the park closes to the public at 6 pm, and goes until 1 am, so we get a full range of daylight, sunset, blue hour, twilight light as well as night. In addition, I tend to schedule the workshops for nights when the moon will rise or set during our session, so we can capture both the moon-lit town and dark, starry sky and Milky Way shots.
I have descriptions for the various workshops which include Bodie on my blog here:
The PayPal registration /payment buttons only work at the moment on the blog's front page, so they're in the right column there:
Let me know if you have any questions.
Although we have longer workshops built around most of the dates, we can work it out to bring people in for just the Bodie portion as well. Just contact me to discuss dates.
If you have a camera club or other group which might want to visit Bodie, I can arrange visits for up to 30 people!
This image was captured during one of our Bodie night photography workshops in 2012. One of our participants +Maximilian Laue will have one of his images featured in the 2014 Bodie Foundation calendar: https://plus.google.com/104896696773020847048/posts/41fskApuWgE
Join me June 29 for a Milky Way photography workshop in Bodie State Historic Park with fellow award-winning astrophotographer +Steven Christenson http://activesole.blogspot.com/p/bodie-night-photography-workshops-2013.html
Blog: www.JeffSullivanPhotography.com/blog
Prints: www.JeffSullivan.smugmug.com
#Bodie #BodiePhotoWorkshops #ghosttown #photoworkshop
Bodie night photography workshop
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Gud idea jst captivating!!!
Awsome shot sir …you the man Jeff Sullivan…beautiful
Unique. =)
this could use some work
cool it is moving
Very Cool!!!
How is this masterpiece created
super stands
Starry, Starry Night…
Wow , fantastic
Great picture. Thanks.
Nice picture
Nice photo
beautiful pics
If I didn't see it with my own eyes I would have said, " Unbelievable !!", but as it stands, I am now saying, "Absolutely Incredible !!"
Great shot!
What is the empty portion of the sky at the lower left of the front door ?
Very cool but why is there a dotted line across the image and what's the bubble on the lower left?
I love Bodie Town and I love stars => perfect combination in this picture! Great work +Jeff Sullivan!
Wow you are good
Beautiful shot! If Bodie wasnt so far from Florida, I might would join you on your next photo shoot there! Awesome!!!
Beautiful! +Jeff Sullivan
Wow. Amazing
I can't believe it's a real photo. It looks like it's from a sci-fi movie! Amazing!
amazing like tornado
Seems like a picture from vincent van gogh
Is that real? What is happening?
just stars via many pictures combining
oh my god
wtz that…
awesome !!!
It is Spectacular no other way I can say that is great art.
Good morning, beautiful image
José Luis
+Ashish Namdeo This is how it was created:
Creating Star Trails Images
+Bella Peng In a long enough exposure you can see the stars move as the earth rotates. The axis that the earth rotates around points to the North Star, so it doesn't appear to move. Sailors used to use it as a reference point, to navigate in the open ocean when other landmarks were not visible..
+David Pavlicko the dashed line is an airplane, there's a hill on the lower left. It would normally appear as a dark silhouette against the night sky, but a car or two drove by on a nearby dirt road, illuminating the dust in the air.
Looking forward to June14!
Beautiful shot! Star trail and church building goes perfectly.
Lovely shot!
Thank you for your reply. Lovely Shot. Jeff Sullvian's. W.S.
Perfect shot!
Simply unique. Beautiful shot sir
Thank you for your reply. 6/1
Simply Unique. Bodie N P.w s
Sent from my HTC One™ V, an AT&T 4G LTE smartphone
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k lindo es una hermosura
Nice pics
That's kool
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Jeff Sullivan's Photo
Happy Father's Day
nice shot!
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Pat Luefong
Have s good day.
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