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Photo Opp Tomorrow in Morning Twilight

Pick a location with a good view and low horizon eastward. Around here Mono Lake would be good, but I won't make it there for this.

Originally shared by +Jeff Sullivan Photography

Astrophotography Opportunity: Crescent Moon and Planets
Grab your long lens and go catch the crescent moon near 3 planets before dawn tomorrow, Sunday August 4:

Moon and three planets before sunrise August 4 |
The moon and three planets meet in front of the constellation Gemini the Twins before sunrise on Sunday, August 4.

Jeff Sullivan

Jeff Sullivan leads landscape photography workshops in national parks and public lands throughout California and the American West.

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  • Yay! I am dragging a couple friends for an all-night shoot at Loon Lake and was looking forward to this at sunrise. Sleep is definitely over-rated!

  • I like to camp in remote areas so I can let the cameras work while I sleep +Maryann Hazel. It turns out that going camping can be very good for us:
    "According to researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder, a week in the bush can help reset your internal clock..."

    "After exposure to natural light, melatonin levels began to move to 'daylight time' about 50 minutes before waking.

    Wright says this means in the modern world our biological night extends past our wake time and explains why many of us are so sleepy in the morning.

    He believes the changes in the internal clock are directly linked to exposure to sunlight: during their normal life the study participants were exposed to four times less sunlight than while camping.

    'By increasing our exposure to sunlight and reducing our exposure to electrical lighting at night, we can turn our internal clock and sleep times back, and likely make it easier to awaken and be alert in the morning,' he says.

    Previous research has highlighted the importance of good sleep with late bed times linked to unwanted waking, obesity and even cardiac problems and increased cancer risk."

    The complete article:
    Camping turns night owls into early birds

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