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Smoking Ghost Tires

Here's a light painting shot from our August 24 trip to Bodie State Historic Park.  How can you bring life to a long-dead car?  We lit the headlights with small LED lights, +Chris Whiting had an LED panel for the interior which he put a warming filter over, and Chris suggested a smoky effect with "el wire".  We tried a few variations, and soon we were getting results like this.  We had limited time on this night to run around and get Milky Way shots before the moon rose, so we didn't quite have time to perfect the concept.  

On each visit we try to introduce a few new concepts as well as continue to perfect old ones we initiated on past trips.  The light is a little bright with the moon down like this, but with the moon up, or more light on the car, we should be able to balance the elements of the scene well.  

I could post-process this twice and decrease the brightness of the blue light in one of the results, then blend the two back together in Photoshop.  I like to do as much as possible in camera though, so I'll probably try this again on our upcoming October 12 visit: #Bodie   #nightphotography   #workshop  

Ghost tires smoking

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Jeff Sullivan

Jeff Sullivan leads landscape photography workshops in national parks and public lands throughout California and the American West.

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