Capture your local sunset September 19 and share it with GPlussers around the world via #sunsetday ! (If you can't get out a past sunset will do.) Part 1 of this event was the hangout *The Meteorology Behind Sunsets* on September 9 hosted by meteorologists +Timothy Ballisty +Brad Panovich +Jacob Wycoff +Jonathan Erdman +Maria LaRosa +Mike Bettes +Tim Brice +Morgan Palmer, now viewable on +YouTube:
Part 2 was a upcoming hangout on Thursday, September 12: "Sunset Photography" at 4 pm ET featuring photographers +Thomas Hawk +Karen Hutton +Trey Ratcliff and +Nicole S. Young discussing sunset photography: #SunsetDay Photography Hangout On Air
The next step will be to capture your own sunset photo and post it to Google+ between 9pm September 18 and 9pm September 19, with the hash tag #sunsetday . Easy!
Reshared post from +The Weather Channel
Join us for an exciting 24-hour event as we send summer into the sunset in global fashion. We are asking our Google+ audience from around the world to grab your favorite camera on the evening of September 19 and snap your own unique sunset from your corner of the globe.
We want to see all types of sunsets in a variety of settings; a city skyline, a beach resort, a beautiful countryside, a desert landscape, a dense forest. Wherever you may be, please share your sunset image with this event page on September 19 and tag with #sunsetday.
To prepare for this event, we will be hosting two Hangouts On Air. The first hangout will focus on the meteorology behind sunsets including the reason behind the beautiful array of colors. We will also touch on sunset optical phenomena. The second hangout will concentrate on the art of sunset photography. Expert photographers well known to the Google+ community will talk about their techniques in capturing the perfect sunset.
1. Monday, September 9: "The Meteorology Behind Sunsets" at 11 am ET with host +Timothy Ballisty (The Weather Channel social meteorologist).Guests will include: Meteorologists +Mike Bettes +Brad Panovich +Jacob Wycoff +Jonathan Erdman +Morgan Palmer +Tim Brice and +Maria LaRosa
2. Thursday, September 12: "Sunset Photography" at 4 pm ET
Guests will include: Photographers +Trey Ratcliff +Thomas Hawk +Karen Hutton and +Nicole S. Young
We invite you to use the hashtag #sunsetday on this event page to ask questions and make comments prior to the upcoming hangouts so our guests can address them live during their respective Hangouts On Air.
As you post your photos, be sure to tag them with #sunsetday. A select number of our favorite photos will be shown on The Weather Channel and accompany a slideshow on Other favorites will be posted and rotated through as the cover photo on both +The Weather Channel and the +Google+ Photos Google+ page.
Note: Only photos uploaded and posted to the event page on September 19 will be considered
Google+: Reshared 5 times
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Very very nice. I think I will try a sunset. The best Toronto are at the
waterfront wards island. Thx Robert.
Sep 19 is also Talk Like A Pirate Day
Hey +Jeff Sullivan ... here's the link to the photography sunset hangout: #SunsetDay Photography Hangout On Air.
Got it, thanks +Karen Hutton
Yup, saw this. Funny, Thursday evening starts my next photo class. Guess what I'll be having my students doing around 7pm (then, of course, telling them how to follow up and participate, and probably having to join G+ in the process)?
Although a given date takes 24 hours to start around the world and another 24 hours to elapse (48 hours total), the event seems to run 9 pm Wednesday to 9 pm Thursday +Richard Beebe, so bear in mind that photo uploads may end at some point... hopefully not before sunset occurs on Thursday in places like Hawaii (after the 24 hour close date of this G+ event). Hopefully there will be clarification on the photo entry period. I spent quite some time looking into the details and it took me quite a while to figure out that by the time I had heard about this, the two hangouts were already gone, and what was left was simply the #sunsetday and photo submission period (whenever that is exactly).