Here's a shot from our November workshop 3 weeks ago…
Originally shared by +Jeff Sullivan
Water Vapor over Badwater
Death Valley's Badwater salt flats at sunset one evening last week. Water passes over all the time, but on average only 1.9 inches of rain fall on Furnace Creek each year.
I'm really enjoying the shots I've been getting in Death Valley lately, and with it just down the road, I'm considering returning to the park around Dec 21 – 22, maybe once or twice in January as well…
Photo taken: Nov 18
Canon EOS 5D Mark III camera, Canon 16-35mm f/2.8 II lens
Single exposure (no HDR)
More photos in my Death Valley Workshops album on G+:
Many of us are used to pursuing landscape photography with focal lengths that range from…
This was one of those "stop the car" moments. Snowy Telescope Peak had nice side…
The Geminids are the most active meteor shower of the year, and in recent years…
I was asked this question earlier today, and the more I thought of it, the…
So called "super bloom" years make it easy to find wildflowers in Death Valley, but…
We've reached a major milestone on our workshop program: we celebrated completing ten years of…
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