I woke up at 4 am yesterday and couldn't sleep, so I went to to see if I could catch Comet Lovejoy before the ice fog formed. I set up my Canon 5D Mark III with a relatively inexpensive EF 50mm f/1.4 lens, and started shooting a sequence of shots to make a timelapse video. On the second image, a Geminid meteor appeared by the comet! A few dozen shots later, the fog grew into the sky and it was all over.
Canon 5D Mark III, EF 50mm f/1.4 lens (on a tripod)
8 seconds at f/1.6, ISO 5000
Update 12/19: Thanks to +Universe Today for featuring this image with their photos from the Geminid meteor shower!
More images in my Astrophotography album: https://plus.google.com/photos/+JeffreySullivan/albums/5750956651527309969
Blog: www.JeffSullivanPhotography.com/blog
#astronomy #science #Geminid #meteorshower #comet
Geminid meteor and Comet C/2013 R1 Lovejoy together! December 12, 2013
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Great series of pictures
Thats awesome Jeff!
excellent! I want to get a geminid shot, but we're overcast…
space chase
very ,very , very thanks you ,more please
Well done Jeff.
Awesome +Jeff Sullivan ! Glad you made yourself get up and out shooting
heroic shot
Did I mention this is great like and throw in some genious?
Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! This is GREAT!!!!! I caught 8 comets with my camera last night, but no shot as spectacular as this! Well done! This is definitely my favorite photo of the day!
Night is a door to the mistery,isnt it.
I wish i could see that. It is snowing here.
Very nice.
Thanks to +Universe Today for featuring this image with their photos from the Geminid meteor shower!