At 9 degrees F and with over 330,000 shutter activations, it keeps on ticking! I had to remove the filter and pop a couple of freshly charged batteries into it of course.
Loving the meteor shower… Coyotes are yipping, and for some reason great horned owls seem find the coldest mornings extremely sexy. The fog is coming but light this morning, not sure if that will be positive or negative for meteor photos… Make them more or less visible by cutting their brightness of the meteors or expanding their width.
Frosty, the Camera!
At 9 F and with over 330,000 shutter activations, it keeps on ticking! I had to remove the filter and pop a couple of freshly charged batteries into it of course.
Loving the meteor shower… Coyotes are yipping, and for some reason great horned owls seem find the coldest mornings extremely sexy. The fog is coming but light this morning, not sure if that will be positive or negative for meteor photos… Make them more or less visible by cutting their brightness of the meteors or expanding their width.
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Worth every cent!
Es cámara es como un rifle...apuntando a inocentes
no niewie czy mi sie to podoba dziwne
Interesting photo. Hope you got some good shots of the meteor shower.
Love this
cold does deplete the batteries quickly
cela me ferait mal au cœur de geler un appareil de ce prix... Mais le sujet en vaut peut-être la peine. C'est là qu'on reconnait les passionnés aventureux des amateurs hésitants.
It's called quality. A concept to be recommended. Unfortunate not all companies that use the word quality knows the meaning.