Before the current cold spell arrived and caused the fog to form ice on everything around the lake, we had a few mornings with "normal" fog, a cloud-like mist which burned off in the morning sun to reveal the landscape it was covering. Fortunately I went out one morning to shoot Comet Lovejoy and to look for Comet ISON, and returned to the lake while the fog was clearing. This is where the water flows into Topaz Lake. When the lake is full, the area in the foreground is underwater.
#foggyphotography #weatherphotography #nevadaphotography
Breaking morning fog at Topaz Lake – Before the current cold spell arrived and caused the fog to form ice on everything around the lake, we had a few mornings with “normal” fog. Fortunately I went out one morning while it was clearing. This is where the water flows into Topaz Lake. When the lake is full, the area in the foreground is underwater.
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muy bello!
The fog seems to suspend the river in time.
That's a great shot. It's nice to see some local work
That is gorgeous Jeff!
Nice shot !
++++++++++++ +Jeff Sullivan!!
Well done! Bravo!
Love the light, the fog, the overall "quiet" mood of your scene!
Isn't it nice +Jeff Sullivan to capture subjects/scenes without a several hour long drive! (did you even have to drive to record this?!)
Some of my most enjoyable photo sessions occur no further than – literally! – my own backyard!
+Richard Beebe I drove 5-10 miles up towards Monitor Pass to get a particular shot which didn't turn out, but caught this sweet light on the drive back, about 1-2 miles from home.
+Audrey Love Thanks, there's probably a lot more beauty in the area then most people would give it credit for…
Wonderful !"
que hermoso muchas gracis Jeff por tu esfuerzo
Eight clear faces,formed by the trees mid-ground,! with "lowering"slopes behind,!SEE if you can "SEE"-them,??
+Jeff Sullivan Truly awesome!
Mother-Earth-Nature is a living expressive entity (THE-SUM-OF -HER-PARTS,)=YOU,! her vital variest parts,each a cog ,in the great cosmic time piece with which ONE,it will-not-work,! SAVOUR,UNDERSTAND,!!
So when are you going to post those pics from Kamchatka!
Love your pic!
That's what's up!