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Lunar Eclipse Time-lapse, Catch One April 14/15, 2014

Below is an example of a time-lapse video which you can capture during a lunar eclipse, and here are a couple of blog posts introducing time-lapse photography:

Create a Timelapse Video on Your Digital Camera
Create a Timelapse Video of a Meteor Shower

#lunareclipse   #astronomy   #astrophotography   #timelapse   #tutorial  

Reshared post from +Jeff Sullivan

Timelapse Video of Lunar Eclipse – Transamerica Building Conjunction
Astronomical predictions for the moon and a few basic geometry calculations predicted that the moon would reach the top of the Transamerica Buidling from this shooting location, which I located on +Google Earth using +The Photographer's Ephemeris

When +Panoramio's +Gerard Sanz and I arrived early to shoot a timelapse sequence, the moon traveled right to the top of the building, as predicted!

Here's a blog post with more examples of moon-object alignments: 

Here's another time-lapse video, showing the moon rising behind Half Dome:

Eclilse video on +YouTube

Google+: Reshared 6 times
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5 thoughts on “Lunar Eclipse Time-lapse, Catch One April 14/15, 2014”

  1. Thanks for posting this great info about astro-photography and video imaging Jeff. As an astronomer, I have also been posting a lot about the eclipse info coming up, so I'll also add and share yours with all my friends. I made a large pastel sketch on the Dec 2, 2011 last total Lunar Eclipse that also appeared in the international sketch artists Astronomy Sketch of the Day . >

  2. Hey +Jeff Sullivan, how do you manage your exposure when doing a full timelapse of the lunar eclipse from full moon to partial to full eclipse?? Do you do it all manually and fix the exposures to eliminate flickering later? Or some bramping is involved? Thanks!

  3. I've only tried that once +Peter Nguyen, and I'm not completely satisfied with the results yet.  I don't think that bulb ramping would work in many cases since much moon photography is sensitive so shutter speed.  (It might work if you have a rock solid tracking mount.)  This week clouds came in and interfered with the moon photography, so I aborted my lunar eclipse timelapse before it got all that far.  It'll be interesting to see what I captured when I get around to processing it.

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