I've created a new album over on my +Bodie Photo Workshops page, containing over 150 photos taken inside buildings at Bodie State Historic Park in California (link below):
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Bodie Interior Access Workshop October 5
Our last interior access workshop with space available this year will be October 5, 2014: http://www.jeffsullivanphotography.com/blog/bodie-night-photography-workshops/
Registration for that weekend is currently set up for night and interior access together. Let me know if you'd like to take one of the sessions separately.
For more examples of interior shots from Bodie, here's the rest of the album: https://plus.google.com/b/116719515450184310739/photos/116719515450184310739/albums/6037111458618593457
#Bodieinteriorworkshops #Bodieinterioraccess #photographyworkshop
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View Comments
Loved looking at the album.
Very cool! Bodie is so hauntingly lovely. I really appreciate you sharing your pictures Jeff, I have a couple of them as background pics on my PC
Wow! I have to make it down there some day!
These pics are awesome!
Such a great job with the light and color!