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Rocks That Move… Mystery Solved!

The rocks which move across The Racetrack playa in Death Valley have been seen moving… video added to the blog post:
Here are more of my photos from The Racetrack, here on G+:
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Mstery solved: the rocks on The Racetrack in Dath Valley have been seen moving!

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32 thoughts on “Rocks That Move… Mystery Solved!”

  1. Yes! Has to do with mountain peaks and this the strech of land being like a wind tunnel. Water seeping from the earth causing a layer of ice and then causing the rocks to slide across the l land. Something like that.

  2. +David Runyon The movement rate is discussed in the research reports referenced on the Web site for the Sailing Stones Research Initiative (, and in the videos on their YouTube channel:
    It's slower than you might expect, a few meters per minute.
    You can see it at 2:58 in their longest video "How rocks move" too:

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