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Supermoon Rise Over Mono Lake

The night of the lunar eclipse last week started with the moon rise just before sunset. I caught the moon rising at Mono Lake.

There may be only one day a month when you can capture a moon rise at sunset like this as I describe in this old blog post from 2006:
How To Plan for Great Full Moon Rise and Set Shots!
I talk in the blog post about having a calendar in "your cell phone or PDA"… does anyone remember the old Palm Treo 650? That's what I had before the original Droid!
#lunareclipse #bloodmoon #astrophotography #supermoon



17 thoughts on “Supermoon Rise Over Mono Lake”

  1. Beautiful image of that early evening before the eclipse Jeff! I took a few also of others taking photos early that evening. Will post them soon to the following link below.I shot many (maybe 150 or more that night) into the eclipse period and past it as the moon seemed to be more interesting after totality phase had past. *Feel free to arrow right and/or left to see about a dozen images of that eclipse event here and some with Uranus in the photo through the telescope. (The whole album, 'Marks Cosmic Light' comprises many many more of various night life and astronomical images in the Portland Oregon region) >

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