Are your posts getting seen? Do you see enough of the posts that your contacts make? How does the overall site feel?
See the comments in the original post for an interesting discussion.
Originally shared by +Tamara Pruessner
New Day's Hope
I have been doing a lot of thinking about how my main stream no longer shows everyone, or even a few and their newest posts, about how my own posts get increasingly smaller interaction, and how if my posts are doing that, then everyone's are. I think the algorithm that governs what we see and what others see of our own stuff has gotten too restrictive. And it frustrates me to no end – especially when I have 100 new posts in my stream and most are either 24 hours old, something I have already seen (and plussed or commented) or both. Fresh isn't happening anymore and it is FRUSTRATING.
I don't normally notify anyone of my posts but for this, I am (and I am not even sure how many will get the notification – over 3500 in my circles). What I am proposing is an experiment of sorts. To all of those that comment on this post, I will go to your stream and plus the heck out of you, comment as much as possible, and over the next week, share a few my favorite posts. Here is the catch – you have to share this post or something similar, calling your own circles to action.
Let's see if we can shake up the algorithm a bit. Let's see if we can take back control of our streams LIKE WE SHOULD HAVE. Let's see if our streams start showing our favorite people again. A week from now, I will make a new post so I can see if my stream has changed… hopefully, mine will and so will yours.
#ShakeUpTheStream #landscapephotography #landscape #Arizona #desert #sunrise
……eu vou aprender a fazer os meus posts com algumas fotos das quais eu goste mais ! …
Great sunrise. Thank you so much.
I'd like Google + better if it were neater, more linear…all the captions appeared in one place, in order, and the computer had to open photos only if we clicked on them. Words are generally more interesting than images, to me. (Even though some of the images shared here are beautiful!) And I don't like the way the system tends to discriminate against simpler, older-style blogs (like Language Log) that don't use pictures.
Life is Good. , a good friend in my circles shared this with me.
You don't know how much I enjoyed reading this kind post. I agree with you a hundred ten percent. Google stream I have seen it change over the years. And I have myself many times only to say something. I have two or three times . In a different way. The same thing you are doing. I just added you to my circle. I went down your list. And pluses way down your list. you have over a million people. I hope you read this. Publicly and then my circles. I will post something. 10% more like it 90% was shares. That's what disturbs me. I'm going back to jeff sullivan,, because he share this with me. And I am going to post this publicly circles extended circles. Thank you for standing up.
+Priscilla King What I don't like about the streaming format is how some posts are three columns wide and some only one. I miss some posts with really nice pictures that I only see when I review the stream later, and it presents other posts larger. I'm sure there are details in many pictures that I've missed.
Right on! I concur!
+Jeff Sullivan Hmmm, I seem to see fewer posts from my "regular" contacts (i.e., the ones I regularly at least +1 and/or comment). But I can't find a pattern to this either. And since I've been posting frequently to several communities, I get a mix of feedback from some "regulars", and many "new faces". But no discernible pattern either.
To cap it off, since Dec. 16, I've been getting >1 million (that's right) views/day, and I can't understand why! (It's not chromecast or maps, afaik). Very strange.
Yea I've pretty much abandoned G+ +Jeff Sullivan. It seems hardly any of my posts are seen anymore. If they don't get comments after about a week, I delete them because it's embarrassing. And really, a waste of time.
Sorry to hear that +J. Rae Chip, I have so many years and thousands of posts invested on G+, I'd love to see it succeed. If you get a chance, drop by the original post I forwarded here and comment, since Google employees are reading the responses and contacting some of the people who commented for more information.
ok maybe I will… probably won't sway my opinion right now though. I'm super busy, and it's probably a blessing to not do social media as much right now… more time to work.
Beautiful seneary of after the dawn and before sun rise a few minutes wounderful seneary of the nature's way, one can't forget after viewing seneary. Nice. Thank you.
This is photographic exhidition.
I'm here to thank you for your excellent and well written comments on Tamara's original post +Jeff Sullivan