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Sunrise over the Salt Flats

This image of an oncoming sunrise was taken in Badwater Basin salt flats in Death Valley National Park last month. It was adjusted in +Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.7, Photomatix 5, and +on1 PerfectEffects 9.

#deathvalley #HDR #On1Pics #landscapephotography
+Death Valley Workshops



7 thoughts on “Sunrise over the Salt Flats”

  1. +kevin phillips This is a large basin where a giant lake evaporated thousands of years ago, and the mineral-rich waters left a deposit of rock salt. Wind deposits dust on the salt flats, but pools of water dissolve it into salt water, and the dirt settles to the bottom, so when the surface re-crystallizes, it becomes salt white again. Temperatures here range from low teens F to mid-120s, and expansion and contraction of the surface forms cracks. and ridges The large white areas are where water apparently became trapped and resurfaced the salt. I would guess that the rings of white would be where a pool formed long enough to resurface the outside edge of the pool white in a ring, but the center was uplifted or shallow enough that the center of the pool became exposed and dried before it dissolved and re-crystallized to fresh white salt.

    These salt flats go on for miles, and you can find a wide variation of interesting patterns if you search long enough.

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