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Catch the 10% Crescent Moon Setting Tonight

Astronomers are looking forward to the end of this month when Venus will appear in the sky very close to Jupiter. But the two bright planets will be dancing with the crescent moon for the next three nights. Tonight in mid northern latitudes the crescent moon of about 9% full will be best caught to the west during twilight around 9 pm, right before it descends into the thicker air and haze by the horizon.

For the following two nights, the moon will be brighter and set increasingly later, forming a triangle with Jupiter and Venus.

I photographed a similar event earlier this year, when the moon set with Venus and Mars nearby. I posted a time-lapse video and photographs of that event to my blog:

#science #astronomy #photography #astrophotography

Applause for the Appulse: Moon, Mars and Venus


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