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Annual Perseid Meteor Shower Coming Aug 11-14

The earth passes through the comet debris that causes the Perseid meteor shower for a few weeks, but the activity peaks around the night of August 12-13. The meteor activity is high for a while on either side of the peak so it can be productive to look in the August 11-14 timeframe.

Create a Time-lapse Video of a Meteor Shower

#astronomy #astrophotography #tutorial #Perseid

Originally shared by +Jeff Sullivan

Perseid Meteor Shower 2013 – Time-lapse Astrophotography
Over six minutes of footage from recent nights, set to the InFiction remix of David Bowie’s “Let’s Dance”, as featured in the recent Kia commercial.

For best results and to see the most meteors, be sure and watch it on YouTube and use the option at the bottom to watch it in HD, either 720P or 1080P HD resolution.

I’ve given this a few hours head start on G+… +87 so far… now I’ll try it on another site and let’s see which results in the most response.


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