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Winter in Wine Country

I'm still getting used to the new Collections functionality. Some of my shares to Collects get a lot of visibility and engagement, now most seem not to. The same is true for my G+ post through too, so I'll try and save a few more posts to Collections and see if that results in anything positive.

Originally shared by +Jeff Sullivan

Winter in Wine Country
Winter is a great time for photographers to visit wine country. The symmetry of the rows in the vineyards can add patterns or leading lines to your compositions. If you're into wine it's also a great time to chat with winemakers, as their Fall harvest is tucked safely away into barrels and the vines are dormant. As Spring arrives, wild mustard often colors the space between the vines.

In California we're particularly lucky to have a wide selection of wine regions, producing an incredible variety of world class wines. Most wineries offer hours when they're open for tasting, and with many of the wine regions lying not far from the Bay Area or Los Angeles, finding wines you like can be a fun weekend pursuit.

#winecountry #vineyardphotos #wine


In Album Wine Country & Wine Labels


9 thoughts on “Winter in Wine Country”

  1. +Daniel Schwabe Thanks for letting me know. I'll have to check whether the contact decline on my account has been lifted (apparently implemented by a Google employee with a personal financial conflict with my business), and make a post to see if the distribution of my posts has been restored from its apparently artificially suppressed levels. I've tried entering into a conversation with Google on this directly since my account was demoted on June 20, 2013, over two years ago now.

    I see on CircleCount that my account subtracted 384 contacts yesterday, far more than I can recall seeing on any recent dates. Perhaps someone in a back room has taken it upon themselves to punish me further for telling the truth about my experience here. Actually, I haven't even begun to tell the story.

  2. +Daniel Schwabe Discriminating between individual actions vs. company actions might depend on a number of factors, including the role, responsibility and authority of the people involved, the company's response as issues are reported, any attempts at resolution and reparations, and the seriousness of the incidents from a regulatory, legal and ethical standpoint. You might be surprised.

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