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Perseid Meteor Shower 2010-2012

The annual Perseid meteor shower is considered to be active from July 13th to August 26th, peaking around the night of August 12-13. The weather and moon phase don't always cooperate to offer great viewing conditions, so it can take time to accumulate enough photos to put together a long time-lapse video.

In 2014 I assembled time-lapse clips from the previous recent years to set to this song "While the Sun Was Sleeping" by Life Audience.

#perseid #meteorshower #astronomy #science #astrophotography #nightphotography #timelapse

Originally shared by +Jeff Sullivan

2014 Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight!
In honor of the 2014 Perseid Meteor shower peaking tonight, I offer you time-lapse clips from the 2010-2012 Perseids in the first 1:49 of this video. All of the footage in it was compiled during my travels in recent years. I hope that you enjoy it!
You can see more of my time-lapse videos on my YouTube channel here:
#perseidmeteorshower #perseids2014 #timelapse


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