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Bodie Open Until 10 pm Tonight, with Supermoon Rise

Bodie is offering one of its Ghost Stories tour nights tonight, which means that they let other park visitors stay late too. It's also a "supermoon" full moon today, and in a setting like Bodie with an eastern horizon about 3.5 degrees in elevation it'll rise over the apparent horizon during or right after peak sky color, about 20 minutes after sunset.

It gets fully dark around 9:04 pm, so you can also have nearly an hour of full moon night photography before the park closes. As you can imagine, the park can be super crowded on a night like this, so don't expect to have it, or any particular subject, to yourself, but for the novelty of the overall experience or for practice shooting interesting subjects (and people) under full moon lighting, it's nice that the park makes such opportunities available.

For a much longer, much less crowded experience, we have two more nights left in Bodie this year, October 11 and 12, when we'll enjoy dark, moonless skies and 5 hours of fully dark night shooting in Bodie:
#supermoon #fullmoon #astrophotography #Bodie

Originally shared by +Jeff Sullivan

Look for the Moon Rise at Sunset Tonight!
It'll clear the horizon around 7:30 pm in Bodie tonight… I'm heading there now!
#moon #moonphotography #astrophotography



17 thoughts on “Bodie Open Until 10 pm Tonight, with Supermoon Rise”

  1. +Mark Seibold I was looking at the clouds to the east and the high winds, and I decided at the last minute not to go to Bodie for moon rise. I heard from someone who did go that the moon was obscured by clouds, so I didn't miss much in that respect.

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