Sunset at Jackson Lake in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming.
More from this day and trip on my blog:
Sunset at Jackson Lake in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming.
More from this day and trip on my blog:
Very nice
Beautiful image, lovely colours and reflections
Nice & peaceful
I remember canoeing out on Jackson Lake, well around one of the bays.
I met a moose (from a safe distance) out on one trail near the big Lodge – understood that afternoon that God had a sense of humor in designing some of the animals. And didn't want to find out of there was a little one nearby.
Thanks for reviving yet another memory or two from w-a-y back, +Jeff Sullivan .
So gorgeous +Jeff Sullivan.
Are you a professional photographer? +Jeff Sullivan ? If so I'm sure you do contests and such. I have a good friend also professional photographer, Chris Flores is his name. You may know him if you are professional photographer. Looks like you are when I look at this gorgeous click!
Very good.
magnifique ….
Beautiful,que gozada. ..
Prachtig wolkendek, met prachtige zonsondergang!
+Richard Beebe I had nice visits to the Tetons and Yellowstone on cross-country trips just before 8th grade (just before my first photography class), then again after the 9th grade. I caught some nice cutthroat trout in both parks, but I hear that lake trout were illegally planted in Yellowstone Lake, and they may be squeezing out the native cutthroat, like they have in Lake Tahoe.
Very very good
Glad you like it +Donna McClure, thanks.
Wyoming is a majestic and highly impressive State for several very good reasons.
What a nice picture.Ind blowing
Wonderful colors and composition!! Beautiful! Thanks for sharing with the #LandscapePhotography theme!! Please see the about tab of +Landscape Photography !! We have great new curators. It's my pleasure to share your amazing photo to the +Landscape Photography page! Check out all the great photos there including yours!!
fabulous color!