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Sunset in Grand Teton National Park

Sunset at Jackson Lake in Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming.

More from this day and trip on my blog:

#roadtrip #landscapephotography #grandteton #nationalpark



27 thoughts on “Sunset in Grand Teton National Park”

  1. I remember canoeing out on Jackson Lake, well around one of the bays.

    I met a moose (from a safe distance) out on one trail near the big Lodge – understood that afternoon that God had a sense of humor in designing some of the animals. And didn't want to find out of there was a little one nearby.

    Thanks for reviving yet another memory or two from w-a-y back, +Jeff Sullivan .

  2. Are you a professional photographer? +Jeff Sullivan ? If so I'm sure you do contests and such. I have a good friend also professional photographer, Chris Flores is his name. You may know him if you are professional photographer. Looks like you are when I look at this gorgeous click!

  3. +Richard Beebe I had nice visits to the Tetons and Yellowstone on cross-country trips just before 8th grade (just before my first photography class), then again after the 9th grade. I caught some nice cutthroat trout in both parks, but I hear that lake trout were illegally planted in Yellowstone Lake, and they may be squeezing out the native cutthroat, like they have in Lake Tahoe.

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