
Yellowstone iPhone Image – Outdoor Photographer Assignment Winner

Thank you Outdoor Photographer Magazine for selecting my image as your iPhone + +Instagram Assignment winner!

I captured this photo on a lap of the Western U.S. and Canada in September 2015. I was actually headed to port Townsend, Washington to their wooden boat festival, but decided to head to the rocky Mountains and follow fall colors season south. I made it down through Montana, Wyoming and into Utah, but my vehicle broke down before I could continue on to Colorado. Maybe next time!

Cool fall mornings are a particularly good time to capture mist over Yosemite’s thermal features. I always have a great time photographing Yellowstone, and I can’t wait to go back!

OP blog:
iPhone + Instagram Assignment Winner Jeff Sullivan

Congratulations to Jeff Sullivan for winning the iPhone + Instagram Assignment! “While on a 3500-mile lap of the Western United States and Canada, I came across this scene one morning in Wyoming’s Yellowstone National Park, and it was unique and compelling enough that I had to pull over and …

Jeff Sullivan

Jeff Sullivan leads landscape photography workshops in national parks and public lands throughout California and the American West.

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