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International Chardonnay Symposium May 12-14, Pismo Beach

I've always found wine tastings to be a great way to find great wines. I've attended ones focused on zinfandal, pinot noir, Rhone varietal wines, but somehow I missed until now +The Chardonnay Symposium:
They're having a drawing for a $5000 getaway including the event, so if you like wine, click on the image below to enter.

#winetasting #chardonnay #VisitCA #VisitSLO +Visit Avila Beach +California Highway 1 Discovery Route

VIP $5,000 International Chardonnay Symposium Getaway!
Presented by the CA Highway 1 Discovery Route!

Enter to Win the VIP $5,000 Chardonnay Symposium Getaway, May 12-14, 2016! The International Chardonnay Symposium brings top Chardonnay producers from around the world to the classic Californian beach towns of Pismo Beach & Avila Beach and the Edna Valley wine country for an in-depth exploration of the world’s favorite grape and its impact on viticulture, tastemakers and the market.

Your prize incl…


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