Photographers, these events could make for some interesting and historic photos, in this most interesting of recent elections.
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Vigils for America
Unite for America to Stop Donald Trump!
I am in France ,but I sympathize .
I share on FB
+elisabeth tubaut As goes the U.S., so goes the world (due to climate policy, military policy, regulation of businesses and Wall Street, etc).
Get over it. Hillary lost. Trump will be President. You can't stop it.
Obviously, the peaceful transition of power only applies when the democrat candidate wins.
The democrat party is not democratic. It is the party of large corporations, hollywood, foreign governments, the CIA, and the shareholders of the "federal" reserve.
It LOST because it openly wishes ruination and death upon the middle class, particularly white blue-collar workers.
It is nauseating that Clinton followers are STILL Pissing and moaning about her loosing. Christ Almighty people…..give up and accept the results. There isn't a damn thing that you whinning people can do, other than leave our country
Hillary lost, she conceded, game over, let's move on..
I will pray for these poor suffering souls that the Lord will lift this burden off of their hearts and make them whole again.
+JOE Vandeleur sounds exactly like the republican party. Two sides of the same coin buddy.
+Dave I agree with you but when the "unpresidented" "bigly" president takes your social security from you, I'm sure you'll be crying about how you shouldn't have voted for him.
+Dave that was easily the worst written post I have seen on the internet today. Please hire a monkey to spell check and edit.
Just as bad as trumps "unpresidented" tweet yesterday..
Who cares what you Jason. If I need a monkey, I'll let you know, you seem qualified, boy
+Dave thanks for confirming.
And good try at an insult.
+Stephanie Han Sola Yes, as in the "leadership" of the republican party that, despite strenuous efforts, failed to prevent Trump's nomination.
Repubs. Tried to stop this prick. THEY KNOW HE IS UNFIT AND DANGEROUS. THEY WILL HAVE HIM IMPEACHED To save the repub party. Hope we live long enough to see it.
+Carolyn Litteral typing in all caps does nothing but make you look like a psycho.
If you voted for Hillary, you proved that you can be brought…..Hillary supports big banks and corporations, she supports wall street, and she supports war….you folks have a nice day
+Chris Park and voting for Trump doesn't? Oh, you are sadly, idealisticly, uninformed.
Birds of a feather.
Lol Hillarious… get scammed bitches!
+Todd Selby Yes, thankfully, Hillary lost. If the Hamilton Electors succeed, Congress would select a qualified president. Names being circulated include former presidential candidates Jon Hunstman and John Kasich, both far more qualified than Trump.
+JOE Vandeleur You're absolutely right about the Democratic Party. Their voter suppression, election fraud, collusion to subvert democratic choice, and 30-year record of neoliberal policies lost them independents (the largest share of voters, at 40%) and the election.
If the Hamilton Electors succeed, Congress would select a qualified president. Names being circulated include former presidential candidates Jon Hunstman and John Kasich, both more qualified than Trump.
That is the role of the Electoral College, an integral part of our democratic process.
Remember the reality boys. Hillary did win 3 million votes more than repubs. So if traitor trump gets dumped it really should be the people's choice. Won't happen but it should be HILLARY.
+Dave The Democratic Party' failed in 2016 through their own acts of voter suppression, election fraud, collusion to subvert democratic choice, alienating the largest and most energetic share of their voter base. Furthermore, their 30-year record of neoliberal policies like trade deals and facilitating cheap foreign labor enabled Trump to criticize them FROM THE LEFT on protection of American labor. That's pretty pathetic for a supposedly liberal party that markets itself as being "for labor". Yet they trot out insults about "racism" to insult and bully into silence the Americans they've damaged for decades. Then they throw out the distraction of "Russians" as if they hadn't been caught red-handed with their own Democratic Party primary election utterly corrupted.
Yet Trump has proven already that he lied profusely in claiming to represent us all His qualifications and judgement may come into question to a reasonable and rational person. That final opportunity for checks and balances is the role of the Electoral College, an integral part of our democratic process.
If the Hamilton Electors succeed, Congress would select a qualified president. Names being circulated include former Republican presidential candidates Jon Hunstman and John Kasich, both more qualified than Trump. At this point the Electoral College's vote has nothing to do with Democrats.
If establishment Republicans like Mitch McConnell had any real reservations or second thoughts about Trump, they would be supporting this process. Maybe they are behind the scenes, but if a fair number of electors don't switch votes tomorrow, their supposed reservations about with Trump will be revealed as for show only.
+Jeff Sullivan So in other words, NUTS to the primary and general-election voters who cast their ballots for Trump.
Yes, that's certainly "democratic". After all, a fellow who'd be running as the democrat candidate in the 1960 presidential election is simply unacceptable to the sensibilities of 20th Century "liberals".
+Carolyn Litteral If establishment Republicans like Mitch McConnell had any real reservations or second thoughts about Trump, they would be supporting this process. Maybe they are behind the scenes, but if a fair number of electors don't switch votes tomorrow, their supposed reservations about with Trump will be revealed as for show only.
They do however want to distance themselved from him slightly, so when something really bad happens, they can at least say, See, I told you!"
+Jeff Sullivan Trump named McConnell's wife to transportation Secretary.
+Jeff Sullivan Do a YouTube search for Clif High and Web Bot. His predictive linguistics program forecasted not only Trump's victory in the general, but also predicted that there would be an attempt to appoint a president and that it would fail.
At least those who voted against the democrat party in 2008 and 2012 had the DECENCY to accept the election results, regardless of how reprehensible they found it.
+Chris Park One of the better assessments of the election:
Hostile Takeover
"Cue the music, roll the camera and the flag. The people have spoken. Our democracy lives. Government of the people, by the people, and for the people is not perished from the earth."
"_Which might have been the case had Bernie Sanders been on the ballot. He wasn’t, and neither was democracy. What was on the ballot was plutocracy, complacently stupefied and transparently corrupt at the top of the Republican and the Democratic ticket. Two gold-plated names on the same boardroom door, both candidates representative of and privileged by a government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich that for the last thirty years has been arranging the country’s political and socioeconomic affairs. The election campaign was the struggle for control of corporate management, Hillary Clinton seeking to fend off a hostile takeover by Donald Trump, the lady and the lout both standing foursquare and true blue for the freedom of money, steadfast and vigilant against the freedoms of movement and thought."_
"Clinton lost the election because she tried to pretend what she was not—a caring friend of all the people, ardent believer in the rule of law. She could talk the prerecorded talk, but she couldn’t walk the walk, her prior record, like her every move and gesture, showing her to be in it for herself, deserving of the deference owed to the Queen of England, the jack of diamonds, and the ace of spades."
+Jason West what is your point?….never said I voted for trump….you really shouldn't worship mortals
+Jeff Sullivan You're misdirecting your energy and playing into the mindset in which the ruling class seeks to entrap you and others.
The national debt doubled under the regimes of Bush the Younger and his hand-picked successor.
Do you know how currency is created?
What a mess it is. Repubs. Tried everything to get rid of him and now have to embrace him. The tainted election put many in so for now they play the game. But they will impeach him as they too know he is deranged and unfit to be in the peoples house. He fits the diagnostic criteria of serious mental illness. They know it and will get him out one way or another. It would save us a lot of time and money if electors would respect the real process and vote him out now. Bit if he does what baby bush did to stay in office
warwe are stuck with the moron.+Chris Park you made it seem as if only Hillary supports big banks, wall street, and corporations, and war. Both candidates do/did.
The needs of the many override the wants of few or the legacy of the one….
+Jason West well who voted for the last one? I would've voted no. Know why, because Iraq wasn't a threat to nobody
+JOE Vandeleur Printing press? What was Obama's contribution after the financial crisis? The Republicans presided over the crash, but didn't the deregulation occur under Bill Clinton? Seems like the two parties are two halves of a whole.
What are your thoughts on where to go from here, today, right now?
I watched Chris Hedges predict a possible overturning of the election by the electors over a month ago, and at the time I couldn't quite decide if that would seem like a coup.
In the weeks since, Trump's choices have been so bad, I'm about ready for that coup.
Be careful of what you wish for… just might get it
+JOE Vandeleur Tricky thing, this free speech stuff. Four million of Hillary's supporters signing a petition accomplished nothing. It's like Hillary said about the NoDAPL pipeline protestors recently… (paraphrasing) "Let them protest, just don't get in the way of business." Whatever is planned for us, it'll happen no matter what we say or do.
+Chris Park I was ready to hope for the best after Trump was elected. I'm trying to be more careful about what I wish for now, after seeing cabinet and agency picks the couldn't be worse jokes if Saturday Night Live made them up.
+Jeff Sullivan "In the weeks since, Trump's choices have been so bad, I'm about ready for that coup."
They haven't done ANYTHING yet as they're not in their respective offices. You are pre-judging; isn't that abhorrent to "thoughtful" individuals?
A coup means bloodshed with most of it spilling from INNOCENT people who have never wished you harm.
Are you proud of what you're becoming?
+JOE Vandeleur no joe with Trump you will see bloodshed. Power greed ego combined with psychopathy and just plain ignorance? Doesn't look good. A coup on baby bush would have saved thousands of lives. A coup on Trump may have saved that many or more. His cabinet of greedy billionaires war mongers etc. Have no concern about the people of color, uneducated whites, poor people, our environment. Part of his illness requires constant gratification by any means. Delusional thinking , as with hitler, resulted in slaughter of millions with the help of his inflicting mass delusions on his people. Hold on to your ass joe. We are in for one hell of a ride. Delusion: a belief not based in reality
+JOE Vandeleur "They haven't done ANYTHING"? You can't be serious. Trump said he'd represent all Americans, the majority of whom want action on climate change. It's not like Trump's appointments don't have clear records on that to examine, as this 2007 quote demonstrates:
"As further evidence of the company's insincerity, Exxon's chief executive and CEO Rex Tillerson, on Friday told world leaders in Davos that oil companies should not be held responsible for global warming. The blame, he argued, rests instead with the very consumers and government officials his company has spent millions of dollars manipulating and defrauding"
Good thing you like Rex so much, because he's sending the cost, resulting from ExxonMobil's actions, to you.
+Jeff Sullivan NONE of the appointees have done anything in their FUTURE posts. I reserve judgment as I've done with previous administrations.
State where I "like" Tillerson.
The gravest threat to humanity isn't climate change; it's the debt, which is also the currency supply. The first-world concerns of 20th Century "liberals" will disappear as quickly as food from the shelves when just-in-time distribution breaks down as credit freezes.
+JOE Vandeleur Don't worry about the debt. Donald named David Friedman to bring Israel and the U.S. closer together.
While Friedman doesn't have any experience in foreign policy, he IS Donald's bankruptcy lawyer.
Good advisor to have.
+Jason West There's a marked difference between corporate-debt default and sovereign-debt default, especially when the latter doubles as the world's reserve currency.
It's no coincidence that the central banks of Russia and China, along with affluent individuals, are hording monetary metals.
+Jeff Sullivan In case you missed it.
Once again, Clif High's Web Bot gets a hit.
+JOE Vandeleur By 2004 the Pentagon had studied scenarios for climate-triggered food system collapse (, they conducted war games to model their response (, and in 2008 they even signed a military agreement with Canada to get their help invading and securing U.S. cities in the event of food riots ( That was all during an administration which publicly expressed strong skepticism that climate change is occurring at all.
A 2007 report on climate change and national security was published by the CNA Corporation (, a think tank in Alexandria, VA. The report, “National Security and the Threat of Climate Change,” was written by the Military Advisory Board (MAB), consisting of six retired admirals and five retired generals. The report warns that global warming poses a “serious threat to America’s national security” and that “The chaos that results can be an incubator of civil strife, genocide and the growth of terrorism.”
The authors warned that “projected climate change will seriously exacerbate already marginal living standards in many Asian, African and Middle Eastern nations.” It’s estimated that by 2040, the Middle East, sub-Saharan Africa, and Southeast Asia are likely to face severe shortages of food and drinking water, and unprecedented flooding that will require massive amounts of humanitarian relief. Major flooding could cause people of one religious belief to escape into another country with a different belief and cause religious strife.
The report pulled no punches. “Weakened and failing governments, with an already-thin margin for survival, foster the conditions for internal conflicts, extremism and movement toward increased authoritarianism and radical ideologies.” The report also said. “The U.S. will be drawn more frequently into these situations.” It even called for the Bush Administration to make major cuts in emissions of gases that cause global warming.
Climate Change and National Security: Pentagon Says Global Warming Is Real and Is Planning for the Worst
In 2008, more than 60 food riots took place in 30 different countries, primarily in Africa and the Middle East. As the researchers explain, a concomitant spike in global food prices accompanied—and probably precipitated—this spike in worldwide violence. Accordingly, the relative decrease in global food prices in 2009-10 accompanied a comparable lull in food-related protests. However, by late 2010, prices were once again on the rise, and lo and behold, 2011 has experienced a comparable spike in food riots, and, in North Africa and the Middle East, a series of full-on revolutions—the so-called “Arab Spring.”
Let Them Eat Baklava: Food Prices and the Arab Spring
ISIS rose out of Syria's drought (, according to the meteorologist who led the U.S. Navy’s Task Force on Climate Change.
Today we see the mass migrations and terrorism predicted in the prior Pentagon reports, with the majority of migrants to Europe coming from Africa (not Syria, as most coverage seems to focus on):
Mass migration is no ‘crisis’: it’s the new normal as the climate changes
Revolts due to food prices occur in relatively wealthy countries as well. The French Revolution was triggered by a wheat crop failure and escalating food prices:
Human civilization is predicated on the success of agriculture, but climate change is actively affecting and challenging the water sources and agricultural regions we've developed over millennia. Distribution of food to stores is a moot point if the food can't be produced in sufficient quantities to sustain a population. Debt is theoretically a huge problem as well, but simply to say that one problem is larger then another does not negate or reduce the impact of that other threat. Climate change is a huge current and future risk, in addition to whatever happens as a result of rising national debt.
+Jeff Sullivan Merry Christmas to you, too!
Merry Christmas to you all !!!!