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Bodie’s 193 earthquakes over 1.5 Magnitude This Week

The shaking in Bodie continues! When I search the USGS site for earthquakes 1.5 and over, it shows 193 in the past week.

Apparently some windows have broken, some brick buildings have been damaged, so the park has been closed through Sunday so the damage can be assessed and buildings stabilized. The activity could last two months, so there is the possibility of strong aftershocks as well.

For photos of the historic town of Bodie, see my album with over 400:
Photo usage permission may be granted with appropriate credit, so contact me with any requests.

#earthquakes #Hawthorne #Nevada #science #news


5 thoughts on “Bodie’s 193 earthquakes over 1.5 Magnitude This Week”

  1. Will you be conducting the night-time Bodie workshops this year? If so, do you know when you will be posting your schedule?

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