I’ve photographed over two dozen wildflower species in Death Valley National Park so far this month. April should bring even more acreage and species on line, to deliver a well above average year in the park for wildflowers.
The quantity and diversity of wildflowers may not be the most interesting aspect however. Last year’s superbloom delivered a bumper crop of seeds, which multiplied the rodent population, and that has resulted in more sidewinder rattlesnakes than I’ve seen in the park before. I followed a couple of the tracks, but was not able to catch up with any of the snakes.
If you visit the park this spring, watch where you step!
See more of my wildflower photos from Death Valley in my Album 3/21/17.
Very impressive album, lovely colors too. Many thanks +Jeff Sullivan for sharing and have a nice spring
Great photos
This is out if this world, its simply beautiful
Why and how am in getting these messages go away who cares about your Photography work I'm into same field of work