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Outdoor Photographer Magazine Iconic Locations Winner

Morning Sun Rays in Yosemite Valley

Thank you Outdoor Photographer Magazine for selecting my photo as the winning image for your Iconic Locations Assignment!

OP must have really liked the images, because it has now also been featured in the magazine’s Showcase section of their November 2019 issue (page 12). Thanks again Outdoor Photographer!

How did OP find my image? I submitted it to one of their Assignments. They publish a new one every week or two. Occasionally when they need a photo, they seem to go back to previous member submissions. Although not all of their image usages involve payment, when they give photographers credit they’re kind enough to include hot links to your Web site, and that’s good for Google search ranking, so hopefully it’ll help photographers find my landscape and night photography workshops.

Google+: Reshared 5 times

Jeff Sullivan

Jeff Sullivan leads landscape photography workshops in national parks and public lands throughout California and the American West.

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