Mono Lake blue hour moon rise
2018 has already gotten off to a great start, as I enjoyed a great sunset at Mono Lake on New years Eve, then the “supermoon” moon rise at Mono Lake on New Years Day. The angles and timing of the moon rise vs. the sunset seemed to work out well for Mono Lake for both dates. On the first evening, the clouds interfered with the moon rise, but clearer skies to the west let the sun’s light through, for a great sunrise.
The second night, the moon was a little bright relative to the landscape as it rose, but the view of it was uninterrupted, so I was able to capture a nice sequence of moon rise shots as the moon rose over Mono Lake’s interesting “tufa” calcium carbonate rock formations.
One of the most fascinating details, particularly on the first night, was the ice forming on the surface of the lake. Temperatures were close to freezing, but Mono Lake is nearly 3X saltier than the ocean, so ice would not normally form on the lake at that temperature. Mono Lake’s tufa rock formations form underwater, where springs deliver calcium-laden water. I noticed in places where fresh water was upwelling to the surface, spreading out and then freezing as it cooled. Apparently in the winter when there is little or no wind to encourage mixing, the fresh and salt water does not necessarily mix well and the less dense fresh water rises tot he top and can freeze. You never know what interesting things you’re going to see next as you spend time outdoors!
The other photos from the sunset weren’t too shabby either. I’m so fortunate to live surrounded by such great scenery and weather!
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View Comments
I like full moons during perihelion 🌕 ;) Thanks for sharing
I'm glad that you like it, thanks!
Thanks everyone! There will be a great moon event to photograph on January 31, 2018 as the “super blue blood” moon sets at sunrise. In the United States there will also be a lunar eclipse in the hours leading up to that sunrise moon set.
Check any astronomy or astrophotography app for details on timing in your area!