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Monitor Pass Wildflower Bloom on the Mono County Border

Jeff Sullivan photography
Jeff Sullivan photography

Wildflowers and dawn moon set on Monitor Pass

There are a variety of wildflowers blooming right now up on Monitor Pass!

Mules Ears Gone Wild

The Bloom is Over 8100 Feet Now

This is in the Eastern Sierra again, 2000 feet up and over 50 miles away from the great patches I found in early June. This is turning out to be a great year!

the patch above looks like arrowleaf balsamroot, which seems to present the yellow flowers higher than mules ears. The mules ears in the vicinity (also profuse) appear to need a few days more to full open. I found a large patch in June that had emerging flowers, and frankly didn’t look all that great, then returning 4 days later, the site was outstanding.

White Lupine



Visit my Flickr account for more examples!


1 thought on “Monitor Pass Wildflower Bloom on the Mono County Border”

  1. This is no more as of this year. Sheep have devastated the wildflowers at Monitor Pass now. Very sad. Probably will never be the same.

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