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See Your Most Popular G+ Photo Posts

Simply replace my 21 digit G+ id with yours in this sample URL:
Note the many other sorting options at the top of the page!
More examples with other G+ photographers you may enjoy, including a few who posted their "Popular Post" URLs the last time I shared this:
+Richard Bitonti
+Seung Kye Lee
+Lars Clausen
+Alex Filatov
+Toby Harriman
+Christopher Dodds
+Daniel Schwabe
+Drew Hopper
+Tony Payne
+Lori Hibbett
+Justin Spelbrink
+Joe Azure
+Matt Anderson
+Sathish Jothikumar
+Scott Horwath
+Kah Kit Yoong
+David Thompson
+Mitch Dobrowner
+Francesco Gola
+Lucie Debelkova
+Lance Rudge
+Dylan Toh
+dene' miles
+Swee Oh
+Darren White
+Robin Black
+G. Brad Lewis
+Charles Lupica
+Shawn McClure
+Sly Vegas
+Lisa Donchak
+Paul Porter
+Sandra Parlow
+Tuan Le
+Barry Blanchard
+pio dal cin

Thanks again +Jari Huomo for creating these cool tools with the +Google+ API!  Note that once again he has included with each post a link to the original post on G+, in case anyone wants to visit it in G+ comment, +1 or share it.

I ran out of room to add people and still be able to see the "share button at the end of the post, but please feel free to post your URL in the comments below:

Jari Huomo G+ 2 Column Timeline View

Google+: Reshared 12 times
Google+: View post on Google+


37 thoughts on “See Your Most Popular G+ Photo Posts”

  1. I posted mine in the profile I have.  Works great but I am not pleased about what G+ "thinks" my popular posts are.  Would much rather see only my photography there.  Didn't see the sorting options, so I am back at it to try to get there – thanks for posting this idea!

    UPDATE:  I did find the way to get only photos to appear and that did help quite a bit.  I think it would be a great idea for all photographers who post publicly to include this personalized URL on their profiles.

  2.  Hi Jeff

       I really appreciate that you invited us to do this posting and I want to forward your information to other young artists and photographers today; yet it appears that I had the same similar misunderstanding as others, that some miraculous new technological system program would then render a complete display of our work to follow in your original post here by simply replying here. I also appreciate your time exposure process similar to much of my photographic astro-photography. So I'll look forward to seeing some more instructions today as to how to do this.

       I have such a huge body of art work and photography over the past decade, ie; have produced music videos for new artists, my internationally published awarded large pastel intense technical artwork has been featured in NASA websites, my photography has been awarded over the years and published in Astronomy magazine and on CD covers in the UK by being accidentally discovered by a recording company while wrapping up their final packaging design in 2003 as I never marketed my own art, I have worked as a background actor on Hollywood movies several years ago here in my home town of
    Portland Oregon, I think I hold the record as a call-in to NPR's Talk of the Nation to talk about my art, my public astronomy, my other cultural participation with the public, as I have provided over several thousands hours of solar sidewalk astronomy for the public across America and Canada and overseas on thousands of miles of solo road trips, and so much more.
    Yet few people even know my name today, and one look at my site here by the few or couple hundred friends in Facebook and Google+, would think that I just tinker with a camera for a past time while in recent early retirement now. I've been doing this camera work since my parents handed me a camera at age 2 or 3 to take pictures of them and the family.

       Being forced into early retirement after nearly 30 years in IT work, yet all of these artistic and photographic accolades just fell into my lap in the past decade for fun as my childhood hobbies materialized when I was asked to teach astronomy as an adjunct professor in a local university in 2004 after returning from my last trip to the Fiji Islands where the government had deported my wife.

       And with thousands of hours spent at Photoshop in just the past decade after previously nearly 30 years in IT computer work, Yes, I cannot figure out much of the computer technology today when someone sends me a simple set of instructions to just simply "place your URL here and re-post this."

    I must be getting too old for the new generation of "push any button and make it all happen process." (;

    I'll look forward to hearing more from you and others about how to effect this posting to see how Google+ chooses our best efforts in photographic work. *So this one following, by the way was what launched me around the world of publishing a single 45 minute time exposure in the dark under the starry night dome that all came about with the old world of film photography starting in in 1992. I repeated it once every year in the same location with hundreds of people attending The Oregon Star Party for astronomers from all over the Western US in August every summer in Central Oregon.

    Then in 2006 after losing my 29 years of IT work that forced me into early retirement, out of desperation of losing my home in foreclosure after 20 years that I designed, built, landscaped for my wife and daughter and I, it was a situation of popular national news now- after so much unemployment loss in America and no jobs to relocate, that we will be forced to fall back in life on what we do best. Our childhood dreams, yet no less than another starving artist. My hand drawn art is first featured in a NASA website, then another, then another artwork, and yet dozens more now, all for just playing around with pastel chalks on black paper.

    -Mar Seibold

  3. I must say that I'm with Hope Oh, Hope, O. Literally speaking. As she indicates "Nothing Came Up". I am excited about this new feature that Jeff has alerted us to and I am Hopeful that Jeff will share a little more of the exact technical details as to how this works. *Jeff- In that first post  you said "simply" place our ID into yours in the 21 character string, but I don't see what ID or what 21 character string it is. Yes I can count to 21, but then simply just one more question: where or what do I do with this string of characters? Do we place it somewhere else to post it? Do we put it into a special place in a photo hosting html control text field somewhere? Sorry I'm baffled as I am sure others might also be. Thanks for any further info. -Mark

  4. What do you mean by "Nothing Came Up" +Mark Seibold, was it a white screen?  For one of +Jari Huomo's most recent tools, that can happen when it runs out of allocation allotted to it by the Google+ API (and a message explains that on the otherwise white page).  Perhaps too many people are trying it at the moment.  On that other tool you have to simply wait for the next day when the allocation is reset.  I don't know whether the two tools use the same API allocation.

    In the past though Google had added to the allocation, so hopefully that can happen again so more G+ users can enjoy the tools on a more reliable basis.

  5. Hi Jeff and Jari- I am guessing that many might not have the computer operations savvy. Although I worked in computer operations with IBM Mainframe equipment for 26 years in one of the largest computer centers on the West Coast here in Portland from 1980 ~ 2000, I must admit in my old retirement age now, I am rather rusty on PC and html. I'll try to decipher this again Jeff. I have to also admit, I did not know where that ID number was in my posts. I am guessing that it is in the URL on the address line whenever we view any particular page? Sorry for making this seem so complicated but it is for some of us possibly like we just came from Planet Earth 1970 and we first arrived at Google+ today, so as we have heard with so many people my age lately: "I've never operated a computer and wouldn't even know how to write an email, as John McCain said a few years ago. Conversely I personally spend thousands of hours at hand sketched art, providing sidewalk astronomy for the public with computer controlled telescopes, have won awards for my technical photography with old world film cameras and can do old world wet based darkroom work and intense Photoshop and video editing; but at a modern PC in a new website I may be rather slow to catch on. I'll try to employ your last instruction. Thanks again for your understanding and patience with me. -Mark

  6. +Mark Seibold  Just click on the link Jari Huomo made for you in the comment just above yours.  That's all you need.

    And yes, the link may not work, temporarily.  What I was trying to explain just prior to Jari's reply is that some of these tools do not work for part of the day, so having it not work doesn't necessarily mean that you're doing anything wrong (unfortunately there's nothing I can do to fix that.)

  7. OK, Thanks again Jeff. I am currently in the middle of allot of artwork, photography in a studio here at the moment, and other computer work but I will try your suggestion that Jari sent above. Thanks for your kind understanding. I also see that what this is approaching is like a new Live Online Book Publishing Page for anyone that does intensive photo and art graphics. I think it is a great idea for graphics sharing. I'm looking forward to using it more often soon. I am having to arrange a lecture of my astronomy art for an Art Institute soon here in Portland so I may employ this new photo posting feature at the University while I lecture. Thanks again for sharing this with us.

  8. OK, I see it now. And I must also graciously thank both Jari and Jeff. I can see that this is like a new live Desktop Publishing of our eventful lives. Others may not know it until they begin to look into many others posts. Mine reads more like a news reporting of arts culture happenings in my area of residence. It's as if Google+ has become a live popular news report of our lives, for those of us who participate in it. I wonder now, are we all to become the new Orwellian Version of  The Truman Show very soon?  (;

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