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An incredibly important message for today's kids

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101 thoughts on “An incredibly important message for today's kids”

  1. My first programming class used punch cards for input and printers for output +Brian Bach Sørensen.  Then, probably just to torture us, my next class made us program a PDP-11 mainframe using 1s and 0s.  
    Fortunately I did a couple of internships, and my second one and then my first job out of college was working for the world's leading color display and printer manufacturer (Tektronix at that time).  In the 5-6 years I worked there I was able to learn digital imaging, before digital cameras became generally available (CCD sensors started out in high end scanners until their price came down).

  2. "Quite simply, programming is not for everyone. It is not an absolutely fun and delightful task as it’s portrayed to be in videos like the aforementioned or movies like “The Social Network”. It is rarely an invigorating social activity. A lot of time, it’s sitting in front of a computer screen, looking at a colorful text document, and thinking, and thinking, and typing, getting angry, and wondering why the hell you’re living a life sitting down."

  3. You can't recruit people who don't exist +Emre Bas.  There are many high tech jobs which don't get filled, and the gap, the shortfall between how many are trained and the demand will grow to 1 million people by 2020 in the U.S. alone:
    It's a call for education, for people to become literate in the tools of today.  The situation today is analogous to having the printing press invented, but our society failing to teach the population to read!  

    There's no need to wait for the entire educational system to change though.  The video is posted to the front page of the site and there's a link there Students: Learn in Minutes where students, anyone, can start to teach themselves:

    Offering useful life skills (for free) seems to me to be more about empowerment, enabling people to improve their own lives.  A site which offers full college-level courses on virtually any subject, including coding, is

    George Lucas used computer animation to make Star Wars, now he has donated $4B to create the +Edutopia  foundation to improve education:

    Bill Gates certainly benefited from being a programmer, but today his Bill and Melinda Gates foundation is also working to change and improve education:

    Technology has the potential to improve education throughout the world, but the bureaucracies which manage our educational systems are slow to change, so passing on useful life and career skills to our children will happen faster if parents and teachers educate themselves, so they can act as mentors.  Around here teachers often have to do this after school, since our educational system is too focused on having their students memorize information and then administering tests.

  4. To some degree that is true +Evriviadis Karagitsis, companies want to have a surplus of qualified job applicants so they can underpay workers. That is even true with computer programmers, or perhaps especially so.  Here in the U.S., Professor Norm Matloff of U.C. Davis has testified to Congress multiple times about the H1-B guest worker visa program being a way to import cheap labor, underpay those workers, and keep them under strict control (unable to change jobs, or bring up issues, since they can be easily deported and replaced): 
    Older U.S. workers are replaced this way, so making programmers easily disposable creates and promotes a serious problem of age discrimination.  

    When Professor Matloff studied the issue he found salaries flat to down int he field, not what you'd expect in a field claiming serious worker shortages.  But it's all relative… "flat" $60k/per starting salary may not sound like a big problem to people working in other industries, and even if many programmers are forced out by age 40 or 50, that provides a long time to plan and fund a second career.  Not all people trained in coding become programmers either… many go into  fields which simply use technology, or serve in marketing, sales and other positions at technology companies.

  5. I agree +Skoti Brendel, most of us are burdened with an 1800s educational model, still struggling in many cases worldwide to teach people to read.  Hopefully some of these programs like the Khan Academy will have some success making education more accessible, and tailored to people's individual skills and interests.

  6. stanford is the worst of them all
    what makes them so superior to choose who gets to take a test
    before s.a.t.'s were release to the general public.
    they enslaved us from the beginning with their tests.

  7. There's nothing wrong with providing more opportunities for people at a younger age to be exposed to programming but that can be said about a lot of other areas of study as well. The issue with this video is that it doesn't accurately portray a career in programming and instead glorifies the wrong outcomes of programming which is money, the chance to be the next Gates or Zuckerberg, and awesome play spaces where you can design and program fun games with just the knowledge of subtraction and addition to go off of.

    Should more people know programming in a technological centered world? Absolutely. But it's dangerously misleading to paint a false picture of what programming is. It's like saying become a scientist so you can have a job and build Jurassic Park

  8. without Eduardo Saverin's algorithm Facebook never would have been
    Facebook started as a nazi poll on who people thought were cute.
    more high brow sweater vest loser trustfund baby MFkrz
    without that algorithm zuckerberg would be shit.
    and that goes for every other software company.
    without artists to design and coders to make the "art" work correctly
    nothing is possible.
    you're just another survey posting wanna be in the software market.

  9. The video for "accounting is fun" would be one describing the global financial meltdown +Ubaldo Romero:
    "So our agency, in the savings and loan crisis, made over 10,000 criminal referrals to the FBI. That same agency, in this crisis, made zero criminal referrals. If you don’t get people pointing the way and pointing to the top of the organization, you don’t get effective prosecutions. So, in the peak of the savings and loan crisis, we had a thousand FBI agents. This crisis has losses 70 times larger than the savings and loan crisis. And the savings and loan crisis, when it happened, was considered the largest financial scandal in U.S. history. So we’re now 70 times worse. And as recently as 2007, we had 120 FBI agents—one-eighth as many FBIagents for a crisis 70 times larger. And they looked not at the big folks, but almost exclusively at the little folks."

    It's certainly fun for Wall Street executives, who seem to be above the law!

  10. But only folks who enjoy this kinda thing, like the puzzles to be solved, need to get into programming and computers. This is not everyone's bag of goodies and some folks are absolute disasters on computers, just ask any help desk and they will give accounts of the users from hell.

  11. I am God I am giving every human the greatest chance to learn about life . How you will reincarnate life time after life time writing and creating your life before you ever start life where you be who you be this how we create our life's before we reincarnate.

  12. The "everyone should learn to code" movement isn't just wrong because it falsely equates coding with essential life skills like reading, writing, and math. It is wrong in so many other ways.

  13. Schools limit our learning as well as teach us to the level decided upon by Governments. I believe that without the limits set to leaners and students in schools, colleges and universities etc that we would all be what is now called the over-achievers. Schools should teach to the highest obtainable levels of each persons capabilities with no curriculum whatsoever…Albert Einstein would become one of the low achievers…imagine that lol

  14. Learning how to make computer programs teaches people how to think…surely to be able to learn this technical savvy  stuff…you first need to be able to think…No wonder my life is  in shatters…if only I had realised that thinking was never a requirement I wouldn't have bothered filling my mind with…stuff x

  15. If u guys wanna learn programming early,come to Edmonton,here we teach university first-year programming material at grade 10,second year level programming material at grade 11

  16. The point here is that everyone should be exposed to the opportunity to learn code in an educational environment. If students are exposed to the inner workings of computers and computer programming at an early age it will not be foreign to them as they grow. Yes. Some will have a stronger talent for it than others but if students are never exposed to it we will never know who has/had a knack for it. We need to allow our students the opportunity to be exposed to the knowledge of how computers work just like we need to expose students to spelling and vocabulary for greater literacy skills. Kids have devices in their hands as toddlers these days. Wouldn't it make sense for them to have the opportunity to know how they work? As the younger generations grow up they will expect even more from their devices. Someone will need to have the education and skills to develop both the hardware and the software for those more advanced devices. 

    As for corporate greed – that is an entirely different societal ailment.

  17. For every person on this video who made millions there are ten computer science graduates that have committed suicide like my brother, Charles Poteet, did. 

    Learning to code is not the be-all, end-all, of education any more than learning piano is. For many people who actually can do it the process will always remain a nasty, unpleasant, chore.

  18. Programming is a skill. It is highly useful, but also very difficult. It requires an analytical mind and a patient, logical mindset. On may not simply program- it takes training and dedication. It is hard and painful- debugging, logic, and the sheer effort required can make it a laborious task. This does not mean it is fun to some- it is intellectually stimulating and provides valuable skills. It is as any other valuable skill- hard, rewarding, and desirable to some.

  19. Let see if I get this straight… access to the internet with and the ability to speak English is all that is needed to learn to code. Sounds like the real problrm is opsec and workinh visas because I could round up a couple million Indian and Chinese coders. There are other IP and security issues as well. I am not suggesting FOSS for everyone but let's call the problem like it is.

  20. I'm strongly opposed to teaching programming to students. As a programmer, I need my skills to be high in demand relative to the people that can program. If everybody can program, why should an employer pay me a reasonable salary?

  21. i think this is bull, if they want to learn great, but kids already do nothing but sit in a chair glued to a screen, i think we have done enough damage already. plus zuckerburg is an asshole, facebook should be shut down in my opinion

  22. +Jeff Sullivan I completely agree that this is motivated by an impure motive (the strategic interest in having a surplus of available workers in order to depress pay). However, we should admit that Dr. Matloff is at this point a professional expert witness for plaintiffs in discrimination cases. The more research he has showing the pervasiveness of discrimination and other ills in the industry, the better the testimony he can give in trials – and the more money he can charge for that testimony. (It's not uncommon for an expert to charge $50-100k to prepare an opinion and give deposition and trial testimony.)

  23. Interesting +Shawn Ratcliff, did his research and testimony in court cases start after he noticed that his students couldn't get jobs in the aftermath of the NASDAQ crash, or did all of that follow his beginning to testify (as you seem to imply)?  I was in high tech until 2003 and following all of that closely.  It seemed crystal clear that U. S. I.T. and software engineering workers were doomed… getting laid off and having no success finding re-enployment… in an industry allegedly facing worker shortages.  There's an incredible number of stories of people being directly replaced by people on guest worker visas on sites like

    Note too that following the global financial crisis hiring virtually stopped for 2 years, but did the flood of folks coming in on H1-B and L-1 visas dry up?  Of course not; it's still cost effective, and more important than ever some might argue, to fire people in favor of cheaper labor.  But any such programs should not be slave labor; the people coming in on them should have standard labor rights… but then of course the advantages of hiring them would be eroded.  Heads corporations win, tails employees lose.  The problem breaks down to Citizens United at the point when all citizens are getting screwed through laws created by and for corporations to enrich a handful of executives.

    I understand and sympathize with some of the other points made in comments as well.  From some reason programmers often seem to get worked 60-80 hours per week, and doing so creates a cycle where managers and employers expect it, but it's not like there aren't alternatives:
    The State of IT Labor Unions
    Why IT Workers Should Unionize

    A broken and damaging program favoring employers over any of the workers involved is not an argument against technology education though.  

    Having technical skills can benefit people in many industries and positions.  The message of the video may be valid, even if the motivation behind it may not be altruistic.

  24. +Jeff Sullivan,  +Aviel Menter's concern is valid, and speaks to this, now painful, #disruptive  #tech "sea change" – Prior to the late 17th century, only priests were #literate . After the printing revolution, reading and writing forever, ceased to be, rare, specialized skills. Coding is becoming, at this precise snapshot in history, the "new literacy". However today's "specialized" coding "skills" will be quickly supplanted with another, as yet unknown "specialized" skill. Coding successes themselves, will end the need for "specialized"coding as we now know it. Growth careers for the 2020's? #Biomedical #engineering, will be one…

  25. +Bonnie Hoffman It was a bit of a joke. I mean, I am concerned for the value of my knowledge, but it really does benefit everyone if everyone has more knowledge.

    That said, I actually don't think this will contribute to a larger number of coders in the workforce. At least, I don't think it will create a larger number of good coders in the workforce. People who were going to be good at coding would have learnt themselves and other people will likely have trouble and abandon it, but may learn some useful things in the process.

    I hear a lot about people who try to major in computer science, for example, and find it's not for them. If there's already more people who try computer science than reasonably fit into it, I don't think this will create more programmers.

  26. Schools teach, how to bully (by example of teachers who bully) How to divide and conquer. (separate the bright but compliant from the merely compliant and the bright  but non compliant) so as to provide the bosses competent help, drones for the dead end jobs and a ready made criminal class to keep social discipline for the others.

  27. You actually have some valid points +Alan Stone, I recall seeing quotes from the early 1900s in which industrialists basically did say they wanted people only so educated as to be able to feed into manufacturing lines.  Today things haven't changed much, we still don't encourage individualism, reward creativity, encourage entrepreneurship or teach basic business skills.  The system we're increasingly feeding into today seems to be the military.  Recent issues with 2/3 of graduates failing to meet military standards may finally get more funding for education (although more of the same may not be the best way to spend new investment). 

    There are some promising signs for people wanting to see education adapt and change:

    Khan Academy looks interesting for self-motivated types:

    Getting government institutions built around education to embrace change… don't hold your breath.

  28. In principle, I agree with many who have commented favorably, those in accord with the message that children should be exposed to computer programming/coding, especially in light of the fact that many of the forms of entertainment children have today involve portable electronics and displays. Certainly, that seems to be the idea behind Raspberry Pi (project in England) and other initiatives.Teaching kids to think creatively and analytically is important. This is not to say that other aspects of education are less valid or deserving of less attention: I feel that children should learn lessons pertaining to their rights  and matters of ethics (appropriate to their ability to comprehend) in order to instill matters of expected civil conduct and, more importantly, respect and tolerance. We are social creatures and we interact with specialized organic and other tools. Shouldn't we stimulate as many aspects of our children's minds so that they may determine where they will proceed later?

    To those of you who are protectionists, believing that if we teach children to program we will have a glut of programmers and, hence, wages would diminish: kids learn biology, not all choose to be veterinarians, or having learned physical science, not all choose to become environmentalists or doctors. The choice of career is individual. Shouldn't children be granted the opportunity to experience a greater array of specializations to broaden the panorama of career paths?

  29. Great comment 
    I would like to ask any person or bean of earth what a super power is there is only one super power that is God I am the super power of the universe.
    Thank you 

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