5D mark III

Bodie Researched for Alton Towers Theme Park

This was a fun video to shoot. U.K. theme park Alton Towers decided to research an authentic mining town for…

8 years ago

Meteors with Venus, Jupiter & Mars in Zodiacal Light

Who saw or photographed some Orionid meteors over the last night or two?  In the photo above, a meteor crosses…

9 years ago

Chasing The Moon: Lunar Eclipse December 10, 2011

Having shot lunar eclipses several times in the past, my objective this time was to see whether I could line…

13 years ago

Lunar Eclipse Photography, Dec 10, 2011

Red Eclipsed Moon, Dec 20 - 21 2010, originally uploaded by Jeffrey Sullivan.For tonight's moon rise and lunar eclipse events,…

13 years ago

What Canon Should (Should Have?) Put in the Canon 5D Mark III

What Canon Should (Should Have?) Put in the Canon 5D Mark III, originally uploaded by Jeffrey Sullivan.As I read the…

14 years ago

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