One of many reasons Yahoo has lost so many Flickr photographers to Google+... 40 favorites out of 239 views, and…
After capturing a few hundred shots of leaves passing by as the stars passed overhead, I decided to try another…
Register on and it can analyze your G+ stream to identify your best recent photo posts and present the…
Many thanks to +Jarek Klimek for including my photo in his selection of G+ photos for Monday! Embedded Link 8 TOP…
+Lori Hibbett and I visited Yosemite for a couple of hours Sunday to catch the sunset moon rise. Like so many…
There were a number of interesting trade-offs involved in pulling off this shot, but nothing in it was faked or…
Those signs in campgrounds which say "don't leave food on your table unattended"... this is why! People were stirring all…
We've all been new to Google+ within the past 18 months, and the circle sharing feature was often the way…
Bears are creatures of habit. They return to where they've found food before. One stops by my house on some…
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