
Eastern Sierra Fall Colors Report October 16, 2014 for Mono County

Fall colors have survived the recent winds better than expected, so come on up!More information and and photos on my…

10 years ago

Eastern Sierra Fall Colors Last Week

We'll be back out this Friday... hopefully there will be some colorful leaves left after the winds over the last…

10 years ago

Lunar Eclipse Setting Over Convict Lake

Partially eclipsed moon setting behind the Sierra Nevada Lunar eclipses can be a fun challenge to photograph.  The moon is…

10 years ago

Picasso Face

See the nose?www.MyPhotoGuides.com #landscapephotography #Easternsierra #whitemountains 

10 years ago

Fresh Snow on the Sierra Nevada

The view toward the Sierra Nevada from the White Mountains, as a storm broke Sunday morning.www.MyPhotoGuides.com #easternsierra #landscapephotography #workshops 

10 years ago

Expanded Eastern Sierra Fall Colors Album

My expanded fall colors album on G+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/photos/112689391100142840168/albums/5922898679249951921+Eastern Sierra Nevada Workshops #fallcolors #fallcolorsphotography #FallcolorsworkshopsOriginally shared by +Eastern Sierra Nevada WorkshopsEmergenceComing…

11 years ago

Eastern Sierra Fall Colors Progress, Late September (2012)

This is one of the higher elevation places to catch fall colors in California's Eastern Sierra region, so it's one…

11 years ago

Clouds Building in the Eastern Sierra

We've had an unusual frequency of thunderstorms this summer, apparently driven by monsoon moisture coming off of warm ocean waters…

11 years ago

Eastern Sierra Locations

Recent shots as I enter my 41st year exploring the Eastern Sierra.+Jeff Sullivan Photography #easternsierraphotography #monocounty #easternsierra              In Album Eastern Sierra…

11 years ago

What Goes Up

Somehow I don't get the impression that this horse wants the cowboy to ride him.I showed up in town early to…

11 years ago

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