
Burning Man

For those of you who couldn't make ti to Burning man this week, these are the sorts of scenes we'll…

9 years ago

Burning Man 2012

As I saw posts on social media from people going to Burning Man next week, I realized that I hadn't…

9 years ago

Yellow Cactus in the Sweetwater Range

I drove from Bridgeport in the Eastern Sierra around the back side (east) of the Sweetwater Range this week, and…

10 years ago

Evening Rainbow on Topaz Lake

“A photo shouldn’t look edited. What do you want your photos to look like in 50 years?” - +Cole Rise…

10 years ago

Storm Chasing in Nevada

At Topaz Lake on the California/Nevada border, +Lori Hibbett and I had a storm pass by earlier this month. We…

10 years ago

Lyon County Sunset

Another photo from the storm chasing over the weekend, with the sun shining under the edge of a storm. #Nevada…

10 years ago

Cambridge Hills Sunset

Last night +Lori Hibbett and I chased the thunderstorm yesterday evening across neighboring Smith Valley and then into the next…

10 years ago

The Simple Math of Light Painting and Exposure

In March 2015 I bought a high end ProtoMachines LED2 light to use for light painting.  It has presets for tungsten…

10 years ago

Star Trails Over Pliocene Clay Lake Bed

Star Trails over erosion patterns in Pliocene-era bentonite clay in a former lake bed in rural Nevada.The eroded hills were…

10 years ago

Virgin Mountain, Nevada

Special interests are trying to convert federal land to state control in Nevada. There are hearings today on Nevada Assembly…

10 years ago

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