
Perseid Meteor Shower 2018Perseid Meteor Shower 2018

Perseid Meteor Shower 2018

Like every year with good night sky viewing since 2009, I went out and captured Perseid meteors again in 2018.…

7 years ago

Perseid Meteor Shower 2010-2012

The annual Perseid meteor shower is considered to be active from July 13th to August 26th, peaking around the night…

10 years ago

Perseid Meteor over Mining Ruins

I set up my camera Friday night to take a sequence of shots so I could make a composite all…

11 years ago
2014 Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight!2014 Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight!

2014 Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight!

In honor of the 2014 Perseid Meteor shower peaking tonight, I offer you time-lapse clips from the 2010-2012 Perseids in…

11 years ago

Perseid Meteor Shower 2014

My first meteor time-lapse video clip from the 2014 Perseid meteor shower is up on +Twitter/Vine: I'm going to pick…

11 years ago

As the Earth Turns

This is a star trails photo captured during the Perseid meteor shower.  Last year the dark skies made the stars…

11 years ago

Perseid Meteors over Juniper in the Bodie Hills

Perseid meteors and satellites brighten up the sky over the Bodie Hills after the 2013 Friends of Bodie Day event…

11 years ago

2014 Perseid Meteor

The Perseid meteor shower 2014 is underway.  The rate will intensify over the next 2 weeks, but the moon will…

11 years ago

Perseid Meteor Shower Footage in BBC Special

The complete BBC special "John Denver- Country Boy" first aired a few weeks ago, near the end of November 2013.…

11 years ago