
Perseid Meteor Shower 2021

The summer of 2021 will be remembered for drought, fires, and smoke, and definitely not for great night sky viewing.…

4 years ago

Perseid Meteor Shower 2018

Like every year with good night sky viewing since 2009, I went out and captured Perseid meteors again in 2018.…

7 years ago

Perseid Meteor Shower 2016

I've been chasing every meteor shower that I could see with my camera since 2009. This year's Perseid meteor shower…

9 years ago

Why Are Meteors More Frequent After Midnight?

In short, where you are on earth rotates around to the front of the Earth's path through space at midnight,…

9 years ago

Perseid Meteor Shower 2015

This is a composite showing a few of the meteors I found in a southwest-facing sequence of images covering over…

10 years ago

Perseid Meteor Shower 2015

A time-lapse movie covering nearly 4 hours of the peak of the Perseid meteor shower last night, in California's Mojave…

10 years ago

2014 Perseid Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight!

In honor of the 2014 Perseid Meteor shower peaking tonight, I offer you time-lapse clips from the 2010-2012 Perseids in…

11 years ago

Perseid Meteors over Juniper in the Bodie Hills

Perseid meteors and satellites brighten up the sky over the Bodie Hills after the 2013 Friends of Bodie Day event…

11 years ago

2014 Perseid Meteor

The Perseid meteor shower 2014 is underway.  The rate will intensify over the next 2 weeks, but the moon will…

11 years ago

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