
Photographic Composition: Conception and Fine Tuning

This was one of those "stop the car" moments. Snowy Telescope Peak had nice side light on it, and there…

11 months ago

Stacking Starry Night Landscapes With Sequator

For quite some time astrophotographers have used a program called Deep Sky Stacker to align and combine multiple starry images…

5 years ago

Anticipating Optimal Dune Lighting Via Sun Position

In the absence of interesting weather, are there optimum lighting conditions on certain dates and times to photograph some sand dunes? One…

6 years ago

“I Don’t Like My Pictures!”

"I Don't Like My Pictures" We've all said that after a shoot, after visiting a location that we had high…

6 years ago

Planning Sunrise and Sunset Landscape Photography

Planning landscape photography has traditionally been a process of considering a combination of location and weather.  If you have a…

9 years ago

The Simple Math of Light Painting and Exposure

In March 2015 I bought a high end ProtoMachines LED2 light to use for light painting.  It has presets for tungsten…

10 years ago

What Camera Do You Use? It’s Not the Camera!

Every week someone asks me what camera I use. When I cook a good meal, why doesn't anyone ask what…

10 years ago

Single Exposure vs

HDR, Color vs. Black & White vs. Lightroom PresetLike many photographers I like to be out shooting and I prefer…

11 years ago

Tutorial on Planning Moon Photography

I've been enthralled with the moon since growing up watching the Apollo missions on TV, the original Cosmos TV series…

11 years ago

Moon Photography Planning – Landscape Photography Show #20

Have you ever tried to anticipate a cmoposition where you place the moon rising alongside or behind a landscape landmark?…

11 years ago

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