Yosemite Workshops

Yosemite Photography Workshops

This is our Yosemite National Park landscape photography overview page. Click through to the photo workshop detail page for one of the itineraries below for more information, sample photos, and registration.

Yosemite Fall Colors
November 1-6, 2025
New release, filling fast!
We’ve vary timing of this workshop to catch peak color of various tree species from year to year. This workshop will include intimate and grand landscapes teeming with fall colors from dogwoods, oaks, and cottonwoods.  We can also spend time after dinner pursuing night photography it there’s interest. Fall colors nightscapes can be a nice addition to daytime fall landscapes.

This is one of our most popular Yosemite workshops and we only allow a maximum of 8 people to join us, so sign up early to not miss this opportunity to photograph unique locations and compositions that we love to share with our clients.

More information and registration here

Yosemite Winter and Horsetail Fall
February 17-22, 2026
Coming soon!
Winter can be an enchanting time to shoot Yosemite Valley. Particularly if we get a passing storm, the photography opportunities can be spectacular! We will also be in the park on the prime nights when photographers pursue iconic shots of sunset-backlit Horsetail Fall from a couple of limited locations. Starting in 2020 all photography south of the Merced River was closed to Southside Drive when Horsetail Fall was available, but we have several new options due to the thinning of trees in Yosemite Valley. The iconic Horsetail Fall sunset shot requires sufficient snow pack above El Capitan, a warm enough day to melt the snow to feed the waterfall, and clear enough weather to the west as the sun sets for the sunlight to strike the waterfall. So having up to 5-6 evenings available greatly increases your odds of success. 
More information and registration here.

2025-2026 Workshop Calendar, Great Basin School of Photography

We limit group size to 8 photographers, with both owners Jeff and Lori, for a 4:1 guide to client ratio.

March 28 – April 2, 2025  Death Valley 4WD Adventure (The Racetrack, etc.) $1995  Only 1 spot left!

May 28 – June 1, 2025  Bodie, Mono Lake, Eastern Sierra Landscape & Night Photography  $2145   4 nights with 1 night plus morning interiors in Bodie  Filling fast!

June 18-22, 2025  Bodie, Mono Lake, Eastern Sierra Landscape & Night Photography $2195   4 nights including 2 nights in Bodie  Over Half Full!

July 18 – 20, 2025  Night Photography Bootcamp $695  New! (no discounts)

August 20-24, 2025 Bodie, Mono Lake, Eastern Sierra Landscape & Night Photography $2195   4 nights including 2 in Bodie  Filling fast! 

November 1-6, 2025  Yosemite Fall Colors $1995  5 nights Filling fast!

December 9-14, 2025 Death Valley Winter Light Photography $1995   5 nights  New! Color, black and white, night, plus the Geminid meteor shower

February 17-22, 2026  Yosemite Horsetail Fall & Winter Photography  $TBD  Coming soon!

Contact us about any of the following:

May 10-14, 2025  Yosemite Spring and Moonbow Photography  $TBD  On demand, contact us to schedule a small group.

May 2025  Nevada Ghost Towns Photography  $TBD  On demand, contact us to schedule a small group.

September 22-27, 2025 Eastern Sierra Fall Colors Landscapes, Bodie Interiors &Night Photography $2295   5 nights (1 sunrise/interior session plus 1 night in Bodie) Coming soon! (second session after May 28 – June 1 fills)

View Comments

  • I am interested in photo workshops in Yosemite and the Eastern Sierra. Ryan Watamura from Horn Photo in Fresno recommended you highly and suggested that I contact you. I would be most appreciative of any information you can send me about upcoming workshops within the next several months.

    Thank you very much,
    Scott Ahles

  • Do you sell the rights to print your photos?

    I'm interested in your shot of Tenaya Lake. Just back form an Eagle Scout trip at Tenya Lake to Cloud's Rest and later a one-day climb of Whitney. Did not get a good shot of Tenaya Lake. Yours is gorgeous!

    Thanks HB

  • We have friends scheduled for your Bodie workshop in August. They appear sold out? Is there a waiting list? Both my wife and I shoot.

    You can contact me at mikemcelvy@yahoo.com or cell at 408-838-0845

    Mike McElvy

  • Very interested in your Yosemite workshops...please keep me informed. thanks!
    Barb Deane

  • Hi Jeff! Great pics.....
    Where can I see whats included and not included in your workshops. Am I missing the link to seeing the details?

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